housing. Where the weather is temperate, this can be dealt with. Temporary structures can be built from trash, dug into
the hillside, and bermed structures are warm, insulated by the Earth. Those who survive and are resourceful will find
that they may not be living with the standard of living that they had before, but they are snug.
So, if one cannot huddle in buildings or caves and the winds are of hurricane force, what to do? Valleys between
sheltering hills protect from winds to some degree, but give no shelter from firestorms or hailstones. In looking at
stable structures like shipping containers, well braced and ready to handle a great deal of weight, of course they will
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ZetaTalk: Safe Structures
resist as long as they don't have a rock slide or something like that attacking their structure, and as long as the
container is well secured so that the occupants don't get tossed around or rolled in high winds or a rumbling rolling
earth. There will be a great many aftershocks as well as the major shocks of the pole shift, times when the plates of the
Earth are going to be settling for some time.
The single structure that resists tearing away in hurricane force winds and can withstand the magnitude of earthquakes
expected is a continuous oval, partly laid into the earth. Domed Structures give the least resistance to winds, and where
the dome is continuous, provides a shape most resistance to earthquake damage. Wind sweeps over but does not lift
this, and the sharp jolt of an earthquake will not crack a continuous form. An oval with a bit of a plate shape on the
bottom will also settle into its pre-quake position under the jiggling influence of after shocks, readjusting itself on lose
earth after a quake such that one does not find the house at a tilt for long. Made of Metal, such a structure also protects
from fire and hailstones. It may be a radical theory, but an oval of this nature can make a nice ceiling, a pleasant place
to be indoors when indoor living and indoor gardening is going to be a necessity. Many Service-to-Other groups are
working on such structures, in preparation for the coming cataclysms.
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ZetaTalk: Salt Flats
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Many factors go into what constitutes a safe place during a pole shift. Mountains may ride over flat land abutting the
mountain range, but if the plates are being pulled apart or sliding past each other, this will not occur. Land is affected
by the plate it rides upon, and if that plate is forced under another, the land may lose sea level and become submerged.
Likewise if the plate is forced to ride atop another under pressure, the land may gain in sea level. All coastal areas will
be subject to sloshing water, but some coastal areas will be the safest due to hot land or violent earthquakes, in which
case going out to sea in boats may be the best chance of survival. Gently rolling hills may afford good protection from
the hurricane force winds, but where the hills are composed of lose soil that will shift unpredictably or slide, it may be
safer out in the open lying flat.
Many contactees have visions about the Salt Flats in the western US, old sea beds pushed high as the west coast of the
US has been pushed up and over plates to the west. Such lake beds will surely be soured by the hurricane winds, and
the hard flat earth does not invite burrows. These lake beds are surrounded by hills and mountains, many with ravines
clearly created when water rushed into the lake beds at some distant point. The land is dry and hard, formed into rock
in most places, and inhospitable. It is permeated with salt, a former ocean bed, and is useless for agriculture. However,
the Salt Flats have one advantage during the coming pole shift - the land will not buckle. The Salt Flats have lasted
over the eons, through various pole shifts as severe as the pending shift, because they are glued to the same plate as the
surrounding mountains, and
Thus, if dome shaped structures can be fixed to the lake beds, so that hurricane winds pass over them, this will be an
extremely safe area.
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ZetaTalk: Safe Water
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The Earth, in its abundance, currently provides man with what appears to be limitless fresh water. Except where man
has defiantly chosen to set up housekeeping in the middle of a desert or ocean, fresh, pure water is not expected to be a
problem. It rushes by in streams and rivers, pools in lakes, and if not found on the surface can almost always be found