Man has created poisons and weapons that will be turned against him during and following the cataclysms.
Chemical tanks will explode, spewing their contents, and an armed populace will find weapons used to wrench
precious food from those without weapons.
Cannibalism will occur where food is so scarce that none is to be found anywhere, and the young will be taken
first. Parents who defend their young will be killed and eaten also. Where in the past the urge to eat one another
pitted the strong against the strong in battles that seldom were anything but a standstill, weapons such as hand
guns are a great equalizer. The one with the gun wins. Gunfights will also break out, and with no law
enforcement, with murderous results.
Consequently, we predict that 90% of the population will die as a direct or indirect result of the cataclysms, with the
remainder polarizing due to the increasing polarization of the spiritual orientations.
spiritually as well as physically.[2/5/2012 9:56:06 AM]
ZetaTalk: What will Survive
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One should not assume a grim picture of life after the cataclysms. No more birds singing, no more pizza. This is not a
true picture. Birds survive, and sing by nature, and we suspect that as cookbooks and ingredients will also survive,
there will be pizza. Where there will be a chronic dusk, due to volcanic dust, for at least two decades, life will go on.
Not all streams and lakes will be poisonous, but the cautious should plan ahead, and anticipate these occurrences. Safe
food and shelter can be arranged, and this does not require great wealth or strength. This requires common sense.
As to your technology, this will survive if you Prepare. Anything that will run by electricity will still run, if not
shattered by the earthquakes. Plan accordingly. Your current energy sources, oil and gas, should not be looked to as
they will alight and burn off during the cataclysms. Would be survivors are advised not to store these energy sources
near themselves or their loved ones. Batteries run down, but mankind should be finding alternative energy sources
more and more available.[2/5/2012 9:56:07 AM]
ZetaTalk: Great Equalizer
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Tumultuous times like the coming cataclysms are great equalizers. Where in stable times the strong and/or clever take
from the weak and/or befuddled and nice guys seem to finish last, during turmoil the playing field is flattened. The
wealthy and influential, in
safety and comfort, will be no better off than the rest of humanity. Human nature tends to blunt the full reality of what
will occur and what life will be like afterwards. The short term is considered, with the depressing long term scenario
avoided. Thus food and water are stocked and batteries aplenty, but the wealthy do not consider what to do
supplies run out. They have all their life relied upon the services of others, and comfort themselves with some vague
notion that civilization and its administrators will right itself shortly afterwards and they will be able to return to
shopping. What in fact occurs in these situations is a false sense of security preventing a more appropriate preparation
or response.
The impoverished individual may find himself without goods or services, but as this is his status quo under normal
circumstances will mobilize himself more effectively during the Aftertime. He will grieve less and ponder his options
more, and take risks where the wealthy sit on the remnants of their toys until death overtakes them. In like manner,
those who are physically or mentally handicapped may have an advantage over those who are whole in the Aftertime.
They have already adjusted to being diminished and looked down upon. The palsied individual will find himself
comforting those who have newly lost an eye or a hand, and the chronically mentally ill may find themselves
counseling those who have gone mad from the turmoil and sense of loss. Survival is to a great extent based on the
ability to adapt, and in this way those on the bottom today have an advantage over those on the top. The coming pole
shift will be a great equalizer.[2/5/2012 9:56:07 AM]
ZetaTalk: Manna from Heaven
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