Where there has been early warning or awareness of the coming changes, preparation may have been started, but
in most cases will have been deferred until the last minute. To prepare, or take the warnings seriously, is to give
them life and credence, so ignoring the warnings and refusing to take action is a type of denial. Those who have
been warned, but refused to take action, will suddenly leap into a frenzy of activity, grabbing any survival gear
or food stores they can lay their hands upon and attempting a mad dash to a safe place, if not already there. Wild
eyed and determined, they will run over anything in their path, as though trying to escape from a burning
building. This type of preparation suffers doubly, in that it was inadequate due to delays, and will call attention
to itself due to noisy activity at the end, so is likely to be more self defeating than successful.
Where an individual has taken the warnings seriously, or listened to their own counsel during the months and weeks
leading up to the shift, their will be a grim enactment of a plan.
Those who have determined they will likely die, or who are choosing this option, will say their good-byes, much
like someone on a deathbed or on a sinking ship. If those around them are refusing to acknowledge the pole shift
precursors, these individuals will be treated as though insane, so may be driven to find each other for company
and understanding, a type of suicide club.
If an escape plan has been put into place, and well rehearsed at least mentally, this will in all likelihood succeed.
Travel is possible, weeks before the shift, especially where alternative routes have been identified and
researched. Traveling light, so as not to attract attention, likewise makes for fast travel which can be disguised
under many excuses. Perhaps the family is going to visit relatives, going on vacation, has experienced a death in
the family and must attend a funeral, or is simply considering a job or location change and doing some
Where already in residence near a survival site, an almost staged and artificial dance will ensue. Leaving too
early for a shelter which will provide safety during earthquakes and wind and possible fire storms would alert
neighbors or undesirables, so a casual indifference is enacted. This in and of itself can be a giveaway, but in
most cases, and unless the acting is so poorly done as to be a red flag, the neighbors will not notice clues that an
act is in process because of their own level of panic.
Stable communities in a safe place, in essence a survival community in and of itself, will be guarded against a flood of
desperate and poorly prepared additions to their headcount. There may be perimeter guards in place, to discourage or
re-direct a throng of newcomers. Outside of obvious routes, as in heading for the hills or out into the countryside from
http://www.zetatalk2.com/poleshft/p121.htm[2/5/2012 9:56:03 AM]
ZetaTalk: Level of Preparation
a city, such throngs are unlikely to occur. Those who have not prepared ahead of time will be in a state of panic,
running in all directions, so that those trying to exit a city will find a press trying to move into the city in their path,
and those trying to leave a coastline will find a crowd trying to reach the coast. Any change, in the minds of those in
the grip of panic, is better than no change, so action is taken regardless of logic.
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ZetaTalk: Friends and Family
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If you make mention to those friends and neighbors that
such as agreement, they will come to
different in their response to earth and sociological changes about them. Some will increase their resistance as the shift
approaches, some suddenly break and become aware and oriented. Some will seem to be solid partners, planning, and
then become distant and trivial as the time approaches. Some will get hysterical, to the point of disrupting all about
them, if allowed to. The hysteric may be someone expected to be the rock, and the flaky person become the rock, to
everyone's surprise. Thus, how to approach those friends and family members one hopes to form a survival group with
one basket, maintain as much flexibility as possible, and be surprised at nothing a human could present you with!
http://www.zetatalk2.com/poleshft/p133.htm[2/5/2012 9:56:04 AM]
ZetaTalk: Countdown Signs
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Many humans will read our warnings and wish to heed them, but be unable to take leave of their station in life for
many valid reasons. Perhaps they care for those sick and injured, or oversee projects important to the