Others may be lifted and spared immediate physical damage. This lift will be something they will be unaware of, in
most cases. After the cataclysms, we will assist any human who gives us The Call, as before.[2/5/2012 9:56:02 AM]
ZetaTalk: Pollutants
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Mankind lives in an uneasy peace with the poisons he has developed. Some of them, such as lead spewed into the air
by cars burning leaded fuels or the chloride compounds eating into the ozone layer, seem innocuous until a buildup
occurs. Others, such as tankers of acid or jars of caustic lye, are labeled as poisons and treated accordingly. These
poisons, stored in bulk where they are manufactured or by the industries that use them, will explode during the massive
earthquakes the cataclysms bring, and spread worldwide by the hurricane force winds. Add to this the stores of nuclear
bombs, stockpiled during the cold war, which might be triggered during earthquakes, or leak radiation as would
damaged nuclear power plants. How livable will the Earth be, after the cataclysms, when mankind will find all his
poisons have spilled in his backyard?
Several factors will be at play during the cataclysms that are
the picture.
Poisons, such as acids or caustics, do their worst damage because of their concentration. Diluted, they are
essentially harmless. Your stomach acid, in concentration, would eat through your carpet, but diluted is
something you are scarcely aware of. Between the tidal waves, the torrential downpours that seem endless after
the cataclysms, and the hurricane force winds that accompany the pole shift, dispersal and dilution is very
thorough. There will scarcely be any chemical stores that do not rupture and disperse, during the cataclysms. The
Aftertime will find mankind with a cleaner environment, due to this, as he will be unprepared and unable to get
back into the poison production business for some time.
Where radioactive substances, such as those that go into the production of nuclear bombs or nuclear power
plants, lie buried or cast upon the surface of the Earth after the cataclysms, the locale will be unhealthy, and
would injure those humans living near or on the site. Radiation poisoning can be insidious or devastating, but
Radioactive dust, where explosions do occur, will be dispersed so thoroughly that it is rendered harmless. Where
nuclear bombs explode, in their silos or warehouses, and where nuclear power plants rupture and the reactors
proceed for a time unchecked, creating a meltdown - there will be radioactivity in the locale, making this
unhealthy, but these will be
Buried mines, missiles, and armaments will
Earth. Munitions that are triggered by a jolt will, one way or the other, explode, thus rendered harmless except to
those who might be nearby at the time. Just as your cities will not survive, with tall buildings crashing down,
likewise missiles of death will not be spared. Unless deactivated and disassembled, missiles will almost to a one
be destroyed. Hand guns munitions, where the bullets can be padded and kept separate, or are placed in a
protective fluid, may survive. Thus the weapons of war, a type of pollution in our opinion, will be
Pollution can be viewed from several angles. The bottle of chlorine, considered poison, if poured in a pool will create
havoc, but this is a
whatever they contact, are
in chemical reactions, and thus are self limited. Some heavy metals also effect the area only for a short time, then go
where heavy metals
discovered them and engaged them in industrial uses. Thus, when mankind looks upon industrial poisons, maintained
in tanks, they assume a permanent cesspool, but this is not always the case. Were the contents of all these tanks to mix,[2/5/2012 9:56:02 AM]
ZetaTalk: Pollutants
there would be gasses, explosions, and eventually the mix returns to what nature does with these chemicals in the first
The cave man found the Earth in a state, and this state would be achieved in short order if all the poisons in tanks were
left to mix freely. Even radioactivity is only a poison because mankind
would be as the cave man found it. Thus, where we are advising that mankind
shift, nor settle there afterwards, this is not to say that these poisons will retain their impact for long. Especially where
not trapped in small pools, and by this we mean pools, not lakes. Try an experiment. Take the chemicals you