fear, that

exist in your local industrial park, and mix them together in a fish tank. This must be proportional to the nearby lake

or river, to be properly diluted. Add fish, and see what happens! You may be surprised to find that your chemicals,

combined, reduce each other's impact! These noxious chemicals were once non-noxious, in nature, and find their way

there again.

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ZetaTalk: Last Minute Panic

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ZetaTalk: Last Minute Panic

Note: written on Aug 15, 1995

In spite of denial and suppression of talk about the approaching cataclysms, when the earth slows and then stops in its

rotation the truth will be known. How could it not? There will be in general two responses in those previously unaware

or in denial - flight and paralysis. Paralysis needs no explanation. Sitting at home and drinking the liquor cabinet dry.

Baking a cake and throwing a party just to pass the hours more quickly in a diversion. In paralysis, no attempt to deal

with the impending disaster is made. Of course, those who remain in denial even when night does not become day or

the day refuses to end are in a type of paralysis. There will be those who will go to work and attempt to shop and

attend social functions, as though nothing were amiss. Activity and familiarity tend to comfort.

Those who sense the seriousness of the situation will attempt to flee. If they have been informed, but scoffed, they may

know what to do and where to go, and attempt to do so in great haste. Belongings and even loved ones left behind,

doors left wide open, heading for the hills, for cover, to escape the city. If they have not been informed they will

attempt to flee anyway, going in all directions. Some, faced with a baking Sun that will not relent will crouch under

structures that will ultimately crush them, knowing no better. Some, hearing the Earth moaning beneath them, will take

to the air or sea if possible, only to find themselves eventually dashed out of the skies by hurricane winds or crushed

under waves hundreds of feet high. Those who have prepared and placed themselves and their loved ones in safe

places will not find themselves overrun at the last minute. This is not because last minute stragglers are not trying to

join them. This is because the stragglers cannot reach them.

Imagine the situation. On one side of the Earth the Sun is not setting. Temperatures rise. Machines break down. The

telephone lines are jammed, and highways blocked with disabled cars. Those on foot don't last long in the heat.

Essentially, all is heat-locked. People will seek a cool spot and wait for whatever comes. On the other side of the Earth

perpetual night is reigning. Here activity is not heat- locked, but is rather sleep-locked. Businesses do not open as

everyone is confused. Are the clocks broken? Telephone lines are also jammed, and lack of coordination is evident

everywhere. The night shift goes home, eventually, exhausted, but the day shift never shows up. The traveler

attempting to drive somewhere finds gas stations unattended and cars out of gas blocking the roads. So those becoming

aware of the situation at the last minute do not go anywhere, essentially, whether they want to or not.

The exception might be the wealthy or powerful who have maintained a plane, fueled and ready, and find all these

arrangements working well when the crisis arrives. Private landing strips and well-stocked country estates make a last

minute flight to safety possible. These are the types of plans being made by members of the establishment who, while

tending to themselves, are working hard to keep the rest of humanity in blind ignorance.

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ZetaTalk: Level of Preparation

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ZetaTalk: Level of Preparation

Note: written on Aug 15, 2000.

As the pole shift approaches and the earth changes heralding the shift can no longer be ignored, the peoples of the

world will find themselves at varying levels of preparation for the coming horror. In most cases, the populace will find

themselves barely able to get past a stunned awareness that life as they have known it will not continue before the shift

is upon them. Their level of preparation will be based on where they live, their state of health, and whatever goods

they can lay their hands upon in the last days.

Those who live in coastal cities or near volcanoes will instinctively understand that they are not safe, as

warnings about tidal waves and volcanic eruptions have been regularly issued during their stay in the area. They

will try to bolt, to safety, only effecting real change in their circumstances in rare cases. Those who are ill, or

infirm, or used to an indolent life, will find they can scarcely do more than succumb to stress diseases as panic

begins to overtake them. To the degree that doors are left open and goods unguarded, looting will occur, but

looters are as likely to find themselves facing a panic’d shopkeeper or homeowner, so looting will in and of

itself will be a dangerous activity during this time. Those who live in safe areas will mill about, uncertain and

endlessly discussing the situation and their alternatives with neighbors equally confused and worried.

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