ZetaTalk: Rules
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The Zetas talk about how the Council of Worlds is not voluntary as all aliens visiting Earth are administered by the Council of Worlds; how there can be no Secession; what the Council Charter is and how this affects the Pace of
Change here on Earth; how the Earth is a Member already and as an Earthling you can make your Vote Count; what rights the Minority Vote has, and what constitutes the Voting Population; how the rules work in a Mixed Setting of aliens and humans who often have Mixed Goals; why triggering the Enron investigation and Interfering such as with
Chernobyl or Contour or Protection/Healings or Moving Planets so that there is Apparent Precision are within the rules as this affects Things vs People and the pole shift will have No Delay; what Engagement Rules alien groups are required to abide by when interacting with each other; how Star Child Engagements are handled; and whether life bearing planets are considered Reusable Worlds.
The Zetas talk about what Travel Protocol they must abide by; what the rules are guiding Time Travel and whether man's Theories can be tested; whether aliens have ingrained Politics; whether Declaring War occurs and what results when the Service-to-Self engage in Leveling Wars; whether the Death Sentence or Slavery Practices exists on other worlds; what occurs when inhabited worlds are on a Collision Course; what the rules are regarding Solar System
Shuttles; what the Exploration Limits affecting mankind are. The Zetas talk about what kind of internal rules the
Service to Self groups have; how the Council of Worlds Keep in Line those in Service-to-Self; what kind of internal rules the Service to Other groups operate under; how they manage when they have Friendly Disagreements; how
Interference by others is handled; what factor Unconditional Love plays in this; and how they manage Without Money.
The Zetas talk about that in spite of Implants and occasional Healings alien groups are required to abide by non-interference rules; that humans have Free Will over their destiny and Intervention will not occur, but there are some
Exceptions; how we are to make our own choices While Unaware; why visitations are without Sight or Sound; how rules affect gifts of Alien Technology and Escape Routes during the coming cataclysms; whether the cataclysms can be Avoided or Rescue Demands honored; and how the hominoid giants using the 12th Planet Shuttle were quarantined because they interfered. The Zetas talk about how God is the highest authority but they don't know What is God with
any greater certainty; whether genetic engineering can be considered Playing God; whether there are Planetary Souls
or Animal Souls so that we could be hunting and eating our brothers; whether Thinking Machines such as Robots are
alive or can have souls, and how the Lack of Choice in Bounded Robots relates; why the Rule of Forgetfulness exists;
whether Karmic Justice exists between alien groups; how our past thoughts and actions are On the Record; and how we are to concentrate on our Orientation Lesson.
http://www.zetatalk2.com/rules/r00.htm[2/5/2012 11:36:36 AM]
ZetaTalk: Council of Worlds
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The Council of Worlds, sometimes known to you as the Association of Worlds, has over 40 groups at the present time, but this number varies from time to time, and is in motion. The alien groups that are present on Earth are all members of the Council of Worlds. All entities, from either spiritual orientation, who are visiting the Earth at this time are likewise members. This is not optional. We are a member of the Council of Worlds. The Council governs the affairs of the portion of the Universe to which the Earth is a part. The Council of Worlds stands as the final arbitrator when issues fall into certain areas, such as territorial issues.
The members of the Council, being primarily from the higher spiritual densities, are not, in the main, incarnated. This makes for a setting humans might find amusing, when holding council with incarnated aliens. Those incarnated stand
around, gesturing and communicating with grunts or diagrams or telepathically or through translators if necessary.
Now and then all fall silent and still while the Council communicates to
To an outsider, unaware of what was happening, the voice of authority would seem to be absent.
http://www.zetatalk2.com/rules/r20.htm[2/5/2012 11:36:37 AM]
ZetaTalk: Secession
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Hearing that the Earth's Transformation is being administered by the Council of Worlds, those humans with isolationist tendencies often object. Can't they secede? The answer is a simple no, as
Those humans who wish for their unfettered 3rd Density existence to never end will
castle, or so they hope, can have this existence, though on a planet other than the Earth, which in any case is not a human possession.
http://www.zetatalk2.com/rules/r38.htm[2/5/2012 11:36:37 AM]
ZetaTalk: Council Charter
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