would such an arrangement be allowed. The reason is that this existence does not have much to teach an entity, and
this is the consideration by which the birthing envoys are guided. What type of animal might the entity incarnate into?
Any kind, although most likely this would be a mammal, a reptile, or a bird. These categories include the mammals of the seas, and small as well as large reptiles and birds. Thus, when you see life, you should consider it to be precious, as you know not what you may be destroying.
http://www.zetatalk2.com/rules/r10.htm[2/5/2012 11:37:07 AM]
ZetaTalk: Thinking Machines
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A goal of research scientists is to create robots so effective at running matters that all of mankind in essence becomes akin to the upper class - waited on hand and foot. To be effective in these roles, robots would have to repair and
reproduce themselves, or each other, i.e. propagate; be able to adapt to changing circumstances, i.e. learn; and, since mankind can't be bothered, make logical determinations, i.e. think. Standing between the robot and sentient life forms, then, lies only emotion - hopes, caring, desire, rage - the motivators. In pursuit of this dream servant, scientists are casting a jealous eye on biological elements, which
Where is the line to be drawn? Do we, the Zetas, not use a massive computer for data storage and communication
between alien groups in the Service-to-Other orientation, and does this computer not use biological components? We
equate this to your use of wood and leather, as the biological elements we use are
another, forbids the use of
from likely. That those in 3rd Density, who are emerging souls in the process of determining a spiritual orientation, would attempt to do so is one of the reasons for limiting the capabilities during 3rd Density.
Mankind, in short, is too dumb to create a handy-dandy version of intelligent, sentient life. One, per their desires, which would never break down or talk back, would always look good, be compliant in bed, foresee one's needs, repair the car, be infinitely loyal, smart as a whip but never look down on the master, and never suffer from neglect. The child's dream.
http://www.zetatalk2.com/rules/r17.htm[2/5/2012 11:37:08 AM]
ZetaTalk: Robots
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Robots were first thought of during human development as workers, other humans. As in most 3rd Density worlds,
enslaving the other is a constant consideration, and this slavery takes many forms. Shackling the worker to his task and working him to death is the most obvious, but the shackles that are not obvious are still just as binding. The husband who cannot leave his wife without encountering a smothering monthly support bill will tolerate demands from his
master just as a shackled slave would. Both cannot think of escape due to the pain it would bring. With the advent of programmable machines such as computers, the thought of having machines as slaves is irrepressible. They don’t
require wages, never demand a day off, and can be relied upon to be consistent and do what they were told to do! Such a cooperative slave.
Programmed machinery is a natural occurrence in densities higher than 3rd Density also, and to a great degree. Where the passion to enslave another is not present in 4th Density Service-to-Other communities, the desire for a silent and reliable teammate to help one do one’s job better is more certainly ever present. Robots are developed and used up to but not beyond the point where they could be considered sentient or conscious, as the Council of Worlds does not
allow thinking machines, in essence biorobots, to be developed and enslaved by other intelligent species. The line is drawn where including the components of life would enter in - DNA capable of self initiated thought, emotion, and
most particularly a conscious sense of the self as separate from the surroundings.
Intelligent machines, no matter how remarkable, are always following their initial programming. Their ability to
learn from circumstances inevitably follows this initial programming, and cannot unshackle itself from this.
Robots are not constructed without programming, to form their own idea, so to speak, of what to do in this or
that circumstance. Such a master would be unleashing a monster, as the robot could conclude that the master
should be eliminated, for instance. Thus, where the urge to have silent slaves is frequently present, the urge to
allow them to decide their own tasks and purpose is
The complexity of DNA, which breaks from the original coding to mutate, and frequently, has the capacity to
break from its original genetic programming. Only life, where the brain upon birth is
manner. Robots also do not have the complexity that DNA sequences allow, as the very complexity allows for
variance and unpredictability - the antithesis of the concept of a reliable mechanical and undemanding slave!
http://www.zetatalk2.com/rules/r47.htm[2/5/2012 11:37:08 AM]
ZetaTalk: Lack of Choice