ZetaTalk: Moving Planets
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We have stated, early in ZetaTalk history, that the Council of Worlds considers a pole shift in the same category as tornadoes or hurricanes or exploding volcanoes or starvation or disease epidemics, as an opportunity for mankind to grow spiritually and help each other. The Earth is, after all, your schoolhouse, and this is the lesson on your plate.
The Council interferes when this schoolhouse for learning will be utterly destroyed, as when an asteroid
sufficient to destroy life on Earth were approaching, and would be deflected so the schoolhouse can continue. In
this instance, the Council would interfere as man is not
The Council interferes when the environment is not balanced so as to allow real choices. We mentioned a past
such interference in the Quarantine between man and the giant hominoids of the 12th Planet, aka Planet X.
Being giants, and Enslaving Man, a tone of hopelessness and despair ruled, throwing young souls inordinately toward a Service-to-Self orientation. In this instance, likewise, man was not
The Council interferes when a world has voted, during a Transformation, but the Losing Side continues their power grab. The Earth, voting to be Service-to-Other as expected, is not to be plunged into Martial Law. Thus
weapons of mass destruction, though planted in Iraq, were never produced. Thus continuing terrorism in the US,
the prime rationale for Martial Law there, was squelched. The Transformation, being at heart decisions of
individual souls, thus continues as planned, and is not hijacked.
Contrast these instances of interference with normal life on Earth, where man is
Even in the face of a tornado or exploding volcano, there are choices to offer aid to others, put oneself at risk, or behave in a self centered manner. The Golden Rule can be applied or
The Council does
leadership collapsed, need and hardship everywhere, and little to stand in the way of helping others. In the
words of Wall Street, these are growth opportunities, spiritually speaking.
The Council interferes when the opportunities for spiritual growth are being restricted to a handful of individuals operating the cover-up.
only that the weather and skies are normal, and a return to shopping is in order. Imagine the difference if the
coming pole shift, the presence of Planet X in the inner solar system, were a reality for the common man. All
would weigh their life, their choices,
Thus, just as weapons of mass destruction were removed from Iraq as quickly as they were planted by the Coalition,
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ZetaTalk: Moving Planets
and just as terrorism attacks against the continental United States were Thwarted repeatedly to suppress Martial Law from being invoked, the Council moved to prevent the cracking cover-up from returning to rigidity. Had tens of
thousands of amateurs astronomers
would have increased. For those who say that the Venus transit, or the Venus appearance, a more accurate phrase,
detracts from the validity of ZetaTalk, we say that
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ZetaTalk: Apparent Precision
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At the start of ZetaTalk we introduced the concept of an Element of Doubt whereby those unable to deal with the thought of an alien presence could take comfort in denial. A way out of the discomfort that would otherwise cause
them to attack those speaking warmly about their visitations or excitedly about their UFO sightings or enthusiastically about what this might mean for mankind. A way out that would avoid panic turned inward that might result in severe
depression or suicide or madness. A way out, whereby the person unable to comprehend the Earth being visited by
beings from other planets, coming in all shapes and sizes and with intellects far superior to man, could deny.