We have discussed the chemical qualities of the charged tail of Planet X, which includes not only debris such as gravel
and boulders but also petrochemical components gathered from the Asteroid Belt when it was pelted to pieces in the past. We have described how the moon swirls in the tail of Planet X form tubes that funnel light toward one end, thus
appearing as a light orb to those who see the moon swirl while peering down one end of the tube. Is there a relationship of these light towers and tornado shapes appearing on Earth now to the moon swirls in the tail of Planet
X? Indeed there is. Light is bent within the moon swirl by chemicals swirling there there to flow down the tube and
emerge at an end.
Light bends, a fact known to man as rainbows spread across the light spectrum bent only by the water in the clouds.
Light is bent by water, a fact known to any child who wonders why his feet are displaced when he stands in a pool of
water. Light bends when going through a prism, solid glass. An oil smear on the window will also create a rainbow in
the sunlight. Light also follows the flow of electrons, which anyone watching a lightning display understands. These
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ZetaTalk: Light Towers
light particles were not generated from thin air by the flow of electrons. They were attracted to the charge and bent to
follow the flow, and thus emerged into view in the vicinity of the lightning path. The tail of Planet X is charged due to
the iron oxide dust particles disbursed throughout the tail. This charge has nowhere to go, as the tail is not grounded. It
is essentially static electricity. But when the red dust and petrochemical components in the tail waft into Earth's
atmosphere where there is free oxygen and nitrogen, chemical reactions not occurring out in space are possible.
Man is used to thinking of chemical reactions involving petrochemical components and
oxygen as an explosion, happening suddenly - boom! But where disbursed and present
in barely perceptible quantities, it is more akin to a slow swoosh, creating a spiral of
heat that starts a tornado effect in the atmosphere. Where a slow explosion has passed,
the smoke created can linger, looking like a dark tornado floating in the air. Where the
slow explosion occurs at night, the light can seem dramatic for the few minutes it lasts.
This is a
initial report from Iraq. More such light towers can be anticipated, but beyond this,
more effects from the tail of Planet X can be anticipated as the tail components increase
in density in the atmosphere of Earth. What these effects will be we will not say, as we
prefer to have the establishment caught off guard so that the cover-up stumbles and the public learns the truth. The
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ZetaTalk: Light Towers
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ZetaTalk: Planets
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Some of the larger planets are assumed to be primarily gaseous, small Suns, perhaps, that didn't make the grade
because they were too small, their lack of bulk preventing them from either lighting or attracting planets themselves.
This concept is in the main correct, beyond the fundamental fact that suns and gaseous planets are not composed
entirely of light elements. Quite the contrary, and they invariably have heavy elements at their core, though large,
gaseous planets should be looked upon as no different than the small but more dense planets when contemplating their
influence on a solar system.
Planets find their niche, based on how crowded the solar system is and their relative mass. For instance, if Jupiter were
not in your Solar System, the planets close in to the Sun would have essentially the same orbits, though would fan out
a bit more. A planet's position is based primarily on the gravity attraction between it and its sun and the concurrent
repulsion force invoked. If the niche a planet would normally assume is already taken, as was the case when the
clobbered Earth wobbled out of the Asteroid Belt into her current orbit, then more than one planet may settle into the
same orbit, sharing this. Why then are smaller planets, such as Mars and Pluto, further out? Small planets may fail to
drift into a closer orbit due to the buffering action of larger planets closer in. Essentially a bumping occurs, where the
smaller planet is repulsed
occur if they come into the orbit at a distance from each other, where a close passage at key points would produce
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ZetaTalk: Orbits
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