ZetaTalk: Vectors
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Humans place too much importance in what they call velocity vectors, which are only a mathematical representation.
The motion of asteroids or comets or planets is there for a reason. It is not, as humans frequently assume, because the
motion was set in place for some reason long ago and things just follow. The motion does not rule! The motion is a
result, not a primary force. Humans treat motion as though it stood alone, outside of all other factors. What
motion? All motion is a result, from the acorn dropping from a tree, or the wind swaying branches as air masses move
to equalize, to the motion of the planets in their orbits.
The breeze that bows a young sapling over a bit will not
an object may even be stopped in its course, but only for a moment. Then on it comes, impelled by the same factors
that impelled it in the first place, as its motion was determined by the gravity pull of objects nearby, and
from outside influences has no reason to move at all, and is still only because there is no call to do otherwise. It does
not have inertia, or a reluctance to move. Objects have inertia when they are caught in the grip of a gravity influence,
and most often in the grip of
examination to the object and its speed is only effective when all other factors hold steady.
http://www.zetatalk2.com/science/s76.htm[2/5/2012 11:55:25 AM]
ZetaTalk: Quantum Mechanics
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Hand in hand with the realization that atoms were formed of particles of different natures - subatomic particles - came
the science of quantum mechanics. Matter was weighed and measured, the electrical flow calculated, the degree of
intrusion required to cause atoms bound to one another to break apart noted, and all this went into quantum mechanics,
a worthy science. What interferes with the data going into the formulas is mankind's lack of knowledge in general
about subatomic particles and the many types of what they would call energy waves that exist. If one were asked to
compute the amount of water required to turn a water wheel at such a speed and for such a duration, but were not told
that the temperature on occasion would be below freezing or that at other times the water would flood and reverse the
direction of water flow - the computations would invariably be wrong.
Quantum mechanics balances out what it does not know with careful observation, so the formulas are the result of
observed facts and behavior, not theory. In this regard they are accurate, but where the science begins to go amuck is
in the theoretical aspect, where data tied to observed facts is expected to take second place to theories - the facts to
follow the theory. Our advice is to stick to observing, as at least that way you were getting someplace.
http://www.zetatalk2.com/science/s78.htm[2/5/2012 11:55:25 AM]
ZetaTalk: Spin
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Spin is a phenomenon that occurs regularly in nature and is frequently observed on Earth, from the large swirls that
hurricanes form to the small tornadoes in the middle of water going down the drain. The fact that such a spin moves in
itself. The phenomenon of spin is observable when the object in motion is not constrained. Air and water are fluid, but
spinning tops or figure skaters on ice also demonstrate the phenomena. The theoretical speed of a spin is fastest toward
the center of the spinning object, a factor easily noted by comparing hurricane wind speeds with those at the center of
tornadoes. But why the difference?
Spin on the surface of the Earth reflects what is occurring in the core of the Earth. If the Earth were not rotating, its
core moving to escape or pull toward other matter in the Solar System and beyond, then spin would be affected only
by the various attractions or repulsion the spinning object itself has to its immediate neighborhood. All objects on the
face of the Earth have these same influences from the core of the Earth, but this is not evident due to lack of fluidity or
lack of motion. Spin in an object develops slowly, and is only evident to man when accumulated. Thus, water in a
water fall has spin, but the water at the bottom of the fall cannot affect the water at the top, so the spin is not
compounded. Water in a drain compounds the spin at the top by affecting the path of least resistance for the water at
the top of the drain, and thus the little tornadoes in draining water.
Spin occurs faster when the spinning object is narrow as there are fewer factors to counter the spin. A large air mass
such as is moving during a hurricane is spread out over a larger area of the core of the Earth, and thus the