increasingly by the sun’s gravitational field. This causes Planet X to drop below the ecliptic, to escape the outward
sling of this material. Finally, when the point of passage arrives, Planet X is zipping through the solar system at a 32
degree angle from the ecliptic, traversing the solar system in 3 short months [Note: see 2003 Date explanation]. In this passage, it is the lessor influence on the planets in the solar system, who are listening the sun’s influence almost
entirely during their orbits. Planet X is a bully, elbowing his way through a crowd, but affecting only those unfortunate
to be in his way or close enough to feel, directly or indirectly, the shoving and pushing.
http://www.zetatalk2.com/science/s111.htm[2/5/2012 11:54:15 AM]
ZetaTalk: Booms
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Increasingly as the pole shift nears, the Earth will give evidence of the compression and tension in her surface by what
humans will perceive to be sonic booms. The mechanism is in fact the same, clapping air masses, the same mechanism
that produces thunder. Where thunder is caused by air masses separated by what is essentially a vacuum created by the
superheating lightning bolt, and where sonic booms are caused by a compressed air mass pushed in front of the plane
exploding back to equalize with the thin air mass trailing the plane, pre-cataclysm booms are caused by heaving in
large bodies of water. Earthquakes where plates are compressing are measured by humans as the friction causes jolting,
but for every compression adjustment there is, somewhere, a widening in a rift. Most often these rifts lie underwater, as
water fills low lying places. A widening rift does not jolt the bordering plates, it is a silent adjustment. However, the
sea water rushing to fill the new void has an effect on the air masses above, creating a thin air mass and causing the air
on all sides of this thin air space to rush in, and clap!
http://www.zetatalk2.com/science/s70.htm[2/5/2012 11:54:16 AM]
ZetaTalk: Flashes
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Accompanying booms caused by heaving seas in response to earth movements will increasingly be flashes of light,
leading the startled public to perceive that an explosion might have happened. As the booms happen over water where
could the spark for an explosion come from? These are indeed related to the booms, and are indeed explosions, and
emerge from the same source. As we have stated in explanation to the Tunguska explosion, great pools of methane gas
lie trapped under the surface in certain areas of the world, due to rotting debris trapped under layers of volcanic ash or
sediment. Just as the booms indicate adjustments in the sea bed causing heaving water to clap, just so the flashes
indicate adjustments in land masses allowing the methane gas to escape and on occasion spark into an explosion.
http://www.zetatalk2.com/science/s82.htm[2/5/2012 11:54:16 AM]
ZetaTalk: Pole Reversals
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Do the Earth's poles ever suffer a reversal during a pole shift? No. The Earth's polarity, where the magnetic North Pole
points consistently in one direction as though focused on a distant point in the Universe, does
they are assuming that the Earth's crust does not move about, but it does. What humans are measuring is the confusion
in the crust, and not the direction of the magnetic North Pole. Between pole shifts, however, there are slight
movements of the magnetic North Pole, especially during the time just before and after a pole shift - approximately a
hundred years on either side. The giant comet speaks to the Earth from afar. Scientists who do not buy into the pole
shift will argue endlessly that it is the poles that move and reverse, and any discussion with such scientists should
begin by first clarifying the pole shift premise. Sometimes, during a pole shift, the movement is slight, and sometimes
literal reversals take place, where the crust does, as you say, a 180. The coming shift will come close to that, being
better than a quarter turn. Having only the Earth's crust to examine, and being in denial or unaware of pole shifts, a
human could only assume that the poles had moved, rather than the crust.
http://www.zetatalk2.com/science/s27.htm[2/5/2012 11:54:17 AM]
ZetaTalk: Rotation Reversals
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