the direction of the magnetic field at the time the lava hardened, and thus sends many signals to dilute any given

compass measurement. The crust moved, after lava hardened, and this is a buffer for the true magnetic field coming

from the core. This is far stronger, and reaches further into space, than most humans imagine. As we have explained,

magnetism is a particle flow, as is gravity. Additionally, rotation is not caused by some initial momentum long ago

instituted but by the various components of a liquid core in motion, attracted and repulsed by this or that in the

surrounding solar system and thus trying to get closer or farther away, within the confines of the sphere the core finds

itself in. But without arguing these points, the issue in pole shifts is what the weakest link is when the magnetic fields clash.

Is it the orbit position, which might tilt to allow a pole shift to occur simply due to orbit changes? Perturbations in the orbit, due to gravity pull, but not a tilted orbit, per human astrophysics. Would a passing planet draw another closer to

it, temporarily? This argument would not cause a pole shift, but a temporary slowing down or speeding up in the orbit

path, per human astrophysics. It is drag, rotation slowing due to extra man-made lakes around the equator, that silly

argument put forth by humans to explain a barely perceptible slowdown in rotation speed, lately increasing? Drag

would cause a slowed rotation, but not a tilt. Humans, schooled into dead-think in their autocratic schools, have no

way to explain pole shifts without being open minded and exploratory, those attribute that get them punished in their

schools and yelled at by the Shepherds of the Sheep of the sci.astro Usenet. So mention of a pole shift, and its

mechanisms, creates a yawn, not a query, in most.

Indeed, there are many factors that hold a body in its orbit, beyond what human astrophysicists conclude. But to avoid

endless arguments about endless factors, let us simply state that the orbit involves many bodies and forces outside of

the planet itself, and thus is not the weak link. The orbit continues on, and does not tilt. Gravity likewise would not

cause the planet to tilt, but rather draw closer or, if one is given to consider the gravity counterpoint, the Repulsion

Force, to push away and not tilt. Both we and humans agree on these points, but for different reasons. But what holds

the core of the Earth so firmly that it cannot move in its molten mush, during the passage of another planet with a

magnetic field? This can move, without affecting the orbit or the relative position to other bodies re gravity factors,

and it does move. Place two magnets end to end, and they are happy to line up. Place two magnets side by side, and

they both try to move so that they line up. Make one of these magnets several times the mass of the other, and the

larger dominates in this motion. Thus, the Earth moves, in place, in its orbit, at the point where the passage itself

occurs, the north pole of the passing planet no longer approaching the south pole of the Earth, but passing it, thus

dragging this south pole along with its north pole during the passage.

Thus, you have wandering poles, magnetic fields pointing in all directions in frozen lava, crust shifting to bring

mastodons into the polar circle with green grass in their stomachs, flash frozen to be discovered and pondered over by

modern man. And thus, during this close approach of this very magnetic planet that is heading toward Earth from the[2/5/2012 11:54:19 AM]

ZetaTalk: Weakest Link

south now, you have a swirling core heating the Earth up from the core upwards, causing polar and glacial melt which

cannot be explained by any increase in atmospheric temperatures, and magnetic diffusion which is estimated by

humans to eliminate the Earth's magnetic field in 1,250 years at the current rate. Of course, they are wrong in their

estimate but at least are honest enough to acknowledge that diffusion is occurring. The approaching passage, and its

effect on the Earth, explains these phenomena, where the Shepherds of the Sheep of sci.astro have no such explanation

save the laughable.

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ZetaTalk: Close Pass

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ZetaTalk: Close Pass

Note: written on Jan 15, 2001. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

This pole shift is a particularly severe one, but the 12th Planet will come no closer than 14 million miles to the Earth.

There have been worse pole shifts in the past, but not by much. These kind of pole shifts, as this one, cause the Earth

to attempt an almost 180 degree shift. However, the crust does not really succeed in going that distance, because the

core separates from the crust as it rips the 180, so the crust only makes it about a quarter turn, a 90 degree shift. This

particular pole shift will cause a dramatic shortening of the Pacific, a dramatic widening of the Atlantic, and was

known for some time to be one of the more severe pole shifts, which is why the Transformation was scheduled at this


If the 12th Planet were twice the distance away, 28 million miles rather than 14 million miles, the effect would be

diminished by 73%, and the core would attempt to turn with less ferocity, and would only make it approximately 32

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