Note: written during the August 31, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC session. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same. In the writeup below,

east-to-west means Sun rising in the East, west-to-east means Sun rising in the west.

At every passage, as Velikovsy noted in this Worlds in Collision book, there is the potential for a disturbed orbit. Plato

mentions that the Earth had been known to rotate with the Sun rising in the west, setting in the east, not east-to-west,

in the past. The Asteroid Belt clearly shows that collisions occurred, and it would be expected that planets not reduced

to rubble might have been knocked out of their orbits, into new orbits, by this. The Earth shows evidence, in her deep

history reflecting long past events, that she did not have the sunlight, nor the land mass above water, in her past that

she does today. So, would such an occurrence happen this next passage, and might the Earth anticipate a warmer, or

colder, climate based on being nudged in toward the Sun, or out into the cold? To understand why this will not occur

requires understanding of what dictates orbits in the first place, something mankind has little grasp of. Orbits are based

on an equilibrium established between the nearby planets, who bump each other with the many particle flows that

mankind is unaware of, until a status quo is established. It is this status quo that mankind views, and assumes was there

all along. This passage will put Planet X rapidly and at close hand passing the Earth, and the Earth alone. All other

planets will be spared any influence to leave their orbits, so let us concentrate on the Earth.

The Earth is in its steady orbit because of factors so numerous that we could not list them without the audience going

to sleep, as it would take Nancy more than 24 hours to type them all. None of these factors is going to leave the area, or change, because of a swift passage of Planet X. The only lasting influence will be that the core moves, doing a shift,

and the crust is dragged along. After Planet X passes, the Earth has all the factors that created her orbit, and her

rotation, in place as before. This is why we have stated that she will resume rotation within a day of passage. An east-

to-west orbit is presumed, because the core is still mobile, and moves in those directions based on attractions it has to elements in the solar system. The core, of course, has been turned almost 180 degrees, during the shift, the crust not

making it to that degree before stopping. The core is mobile, and in motion already, not having stopped during the

week of rotation stoppage but continuing to strain in the direction it had.

During the shift, this motion from east-to-west does not stop, but continues, as it shifts. Thus, where temporarily it is under an influence to move west to east, there is just as many influences to continue the east-to-west as the liquid core

realigns, without delay, reversing it’s 180 degree turn, so as to position itself with the magnetic alignment of the Sun,

once again. Where the shift was sudden, dragging the core in all its layers along with the crust, this realignment is

slower and the crust has already been separated from the core and its layers, thus remains where it is, during this

realignment. The core is mobile, and the virtual liquid factors are more mobile yet, so the competing influences resolve

for the stronger force, the magnetic realignment which the more liquid portions of the core represent. Thus, in the past, as Plato stated, the Earth has at times turned west-to-east, but in the main rotation resumes east-to-west, which the

liquid portions of the core find fits their stretching toward their attractants. We anticipate thus, that the Earth will not

only not assume a different orbit, having no factors to knock it from its orbit, and will also resume rotation east-to-[2/5/2012 11:54:22 AM]

ZetaTalk: Rotation/Orbit


The matter of a 24 hour day will not be settled for some months after the shift, though few will be concerned about

this. Rotation will be a bit erratic, faster on some days, slower on others, but will eventually settle down to something

similar to a 24 hour day. Why would this be? Because the rotation speed is dictated by the liquidity of the core, and

this has not changed.

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ZetaTalk: Asteroid Belt

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ZetaTalk: Asteroid Belt

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

The Asteroid Belt, full of gravel and boulders, did not get there by accident. When your Solar System, forming matter,

was into clumping matter together, and did not overlook this one little orbit around this one little Sun for some odd

reason. For those who argue otherwise, we ask why all the other planetary orbits are free of this scatter, and why the

Earth is lopsided, the land in the main on one side and the waters in the main on the other. The two relate. Long before

there was highly evolved life on the Earth, it rode that orbit, which happened to be smack dab in the path of the 12th

Planet. In due time, more than violent pole shifts and wobbly orbits resulted, a monumental collision between the

emerging Earth and a traveling moon drawn along by the gravitational pull of the 12th Planet occurred. This collision

did not just involve the emerging Earth, then almost entirely a water planet.

Your Solar System had several more planets in orbit than it does today, in orbit close enough to the Asteroid Belt to be

considered within it, many of these planets were larger than the Earth.. Just as the 12th Planet drags behind

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