abrupt halt
to that.
Manufactured parts for maintenance are lacking, and the broken link effect sets in, machinery abandoned and rusting
in disuse. What is missing from the picture also is the big fist, the arm of the oppressor that comes in with the big guns
to establish control. Africa before colonization was tribal, and feuds were balanced. The Americas before immigration
to the new world was likewise tribal, minor feuds the only issues. What Africa and the Americas experienced was the
big fist from Europe, machine guns, cannons, conscripts required to fight or be shot so the big fist included armies and
navies that had no choice but to be brutal, upon command. Remove the big fist, and oppressed people soon set matters
right. The oppressor is killed in the night, savagery returned in kind, Iraq with the rage against the occupation an
example of the seething that turns savage with opportunity. When weapons, ammunition, supper, and backup called in
readily are
Eventually, survivor groups that remain are hard at work, all growing or catching their food and cooperating heavily
with each other. The occasional lone thug is encountered and either runs for his life to live in the woods on his own,
with survival very iffy, or is killed attempting to loot the hard working group. A group that is keeping starvation at bay
by intense cooperation and careful planning recognizes instantly those that are doing likewise, and also recognizes
instantly a group that has survived by looting. There are a thousand clues. Since the looters are increasingly finding
themselves without and turning on each other, they are themselves malnourished, poorly coordinated and weakened,
and blinded by rage over not having what they want, when they want it. In a battle with survivor groups that look out
for each other, the thugs are easily picked off, and decimated further. In today's world, such vigilante justice brings
harsh penalties, imprisonment, due to laws designed to keep the thugs off the streets but also due to the fear among
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ZetaTalk: Thug Control
those in control that their slave class, the working class, might rebel. But after the shift, with police and the military
absent, phones dead, and determination of who the criminal and the victim are
criminal have his way is not the option that is taken. Imagine trials where the victims of crimes determine the sentence,
and you see the future of Service-to-Self gangs looting survivor groups.
In Sudan, Death and Denial
June 26, 2004
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ZetaTalk: Clean Slate
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Reactions to word of the coming cataclysms and Earth Transformation are always mixed, even within the same
individual. Few view the thought of their comfortable living arrangements disappearing with joy, even if they consider
their current life a burden. Dinner on the table and a roof over their heads during the rainy season is no small thing,
and contemplating the alternatives - huddled shivering and wet under a tree or scrounging for insect larva in a rotting
log - is seldom comforting. But as if often the case, the outcome is romanticized so that these discomforts