are put to
the rear, and the advantages of an upheaval brought forward. Psychologists are aware that the more remote a situation,
the less intense the person’s response. Thus push-push or pull-pull conflicts can develop, with a perpetual dither
between the two choices.
Extreme upheavals, where one imagines that the mundane job, the nagging wife, the annoying neighbor, and the lack
of opportunity to change one’s lifestyle are not only
disgruntlements of everyday life are up close and personal, and
advantageous, overall. In reality, the clean slate that the cataclysms will bring will carry forward, for most humans, the
same baggage they carried going into the pole shift. This baggage is
likelihood the same relationships will develop, the same commitments promised, the same avoidance of responsibility,
the same conflicts with leadership, the same sexual inhibitions - all the old problems will establish themselves in a new
Where a clean slate
great extent, and the commitments and obligations he has allowed to encumber him, but where this has been virtually
dictated by the community he lives in,
would divorce were it not for the alimony issue, the utter lack of a paycheck or perhaps the death of the wife changes
that equation. If he would spend his time wood-working and building furniture, his favorite hobby, were it not for the
time demands of the job that pays the mortgage, this requirement goes out the door when the employer no longer is
functioning, the paychecks stopped, and the mortgage a bad dream as the house is destroyed and the banker in any
case never heard from![2/5/2012 11:14:13 AM]
ZetaTalk: Communications
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Our emissary, Nancy, allowed her brain to be implanted with Zetan genetic material, on more than one occasion, in
preparation for her role as a communicator during the Transformation. Such procedures, done by us, do not put the
contactee at risk of injury or infection. We work in completely sterile environments and through the use of what you
might call a growth hormone, stimulate the body to heal within minutes. Nancy's head was opened - the scalp was
pulled back, a bone plate pulled up on one side, and material implanted into sites deep within her brain by an infusion
technique that works on the molecular level so that no brain cells are damaged during the procedure. As Nancy’s
telepathic communication center was enhanced during her 20’s, she also began to receive more communications from
her fellow humans. As she did not allow herself to realize that she was a contactee until her mid-50's, this put some 3
decades of enhanced telepathic communications with humans into her consciousness,
came about. We will let Nancy tell you the contactee's side of the story.
The first time they picked me up they were checking out the top of my head, bent my head down and looked at the top
of my head. When they put the stuff in my forehead, whatever they did, it hurt. I don't know what they did to the
forehead, but it hurt so that I didn't want to talk about forest and trees and stuff like that any longer. I couldn't
concentrate on those things any longer because it hurt enough that it was distracting me. Dull ache on my forehead. But
they were definitely checking out the top of my head, and they did the same thing at the berry patch. They were
turning my head. If you tipped it back you could see my forehead in the sunlight. But when they first picked me up
they had their hands all over my head, sizing it, was the way I would put it. So, I'm just going to concentrate on my
head, and think if there was anything that was ever done.
I can feel the pain. I can feel the pain right here, and a feeling of pressure on either side. Pressure. Let me think now.
And taking my breath in short breaths, like gasp-a, gasp-a. Like that. Like your chest is tight. A very bright room.
Sitting in something that's more like a reclining lounge chair, maybe like the dentist's chair, that type of thing. I think
that my head was in a brace, around the chin, and my arms were down, sort of into my lap, almost in some kind of
armrest. I think they've got little snap things. They don't completely close, like hand cuffs, but they just partly close.
They're around the bone structure enough that you couldn't pull your arm away. One here by the elbow and one here
down by the wrist, more up on the forearm, maybe another one on the thick of it, up above the elbow, but definitely the
two below. I don't think my feet are restrained at all, but my knees are slightly bent. There wouldn't be much I could