response to something offending, with no further thought about repercussions. Adults, in human society, are supposed
to be logical, entertain facts, digest, discuss, and conclude. They most often do none of this, but simply react, as a
child, to the offending substance of message, rejecting it. These are not leaders of men, as this type of reaction makes
them scarcely suitable for any life but swinging from trees, but as Internet access is granted to anyone, they write email
and post their simplistic reactions on message board. “
when the shift occurrs will be found huddled in some corner making these demands still.[2/5/2012 11:14:16 AM]
ZetaTalk: ZetaTalk Enemies
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Our message, as you might have gauged, is not popular. We are effective in debate, which offends the stuffy elite of
the scientific establishment who think of themselves as holding the key to knowledge. We abhor scams, especially
when the scam is not innocent and will harm millions of innocents, including the children. Since our emissary, Nancy,
is being protected in ways it would be unwise to divulge, those lying to mankind on the Usenets find themselves with
an adversary they cannot silence! This enrages them. Then there are those who are frightened by the thought that man
is not alone in the Universe as an intelligent species. They target our postings with their hysterical denial. Then there
are those in the establishment who
look to them as leaders. They do not want anyone reading our message with an open mind, or even reading it at all,
and do their best to throw mud and distractions in the path of open discussion and debate.
Thus, where we and our emissary, Nancy, are heartened by the progress mankind makes, only a fool would fail to
guard against sabotage as much as possible. What sabotage, you might ask? If our enemies and those who would
silence us cannot do so by killing or maiming or intimidating Nancy, then what avenues might be open to them? Were
it not for the copyright laws, and her legal recourse, ZetaTalk would be posted everywhere, but would not be
words. Do you not think that such takeovers of established communication channels occur? This is, in fact, a favorite
ploy. Not only do written works get stolen from authors and patented ideas virtually stolen from inventors, when a
communicator has a wide audience, as ZetaTalk does, all manner of attempts are made to bribe or threaten the
communicator to send out a
We have advised our emissary, Nancy, who is almost limitless in her courage, as to what steps to take to avoid traps.
Thus, she applied for and received her Trademark long before she became widely known, received her Internet domain
name before her enemies realized what a strong threat she would be, and there were many, many ploys where the
enemies of ZetaTalk were led to believe that she was under control and was in line to be subverted, when this was not
so. Why was this deception used? It bought time, and created complacency in those who would otherwise have been
in full battle. And these ploys worked![2/5/2012 11:14:16 AM]
ZetaTalk: IRC Attacks
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The continued attacks on Queen's well disciplined channel is due to her success in having a flowing and Structured
discussion. The debunkers are eliminated, removed promptly as well as any good hearted folk wanting to be chatting
or distracting. She is vicious in her intent to have a discussion
distraction that might ensue during these times. It is not her strong hand that has brought the attacks about, but her
success. Many school marms who are strict are hated, resented, but they succeed in getting the lessons attended to.
Anyone wanting to see a different arena need only compare the #zetatalk channel in the weeks before Queen's channel started to see the chaos. This was what the debunkers wanted, an utter inability of anyone to ask a civil question of the
Zetas. They wanted the right to post
The resentment, and attacks against Queen, are because she changed this, and #zetatalk has become someone more
controlled in recent weeks
would shortly go back to the old days, if she did so. Thus, the minions are out trying to attack
#poleshiftdiscussion channel, but hold firm! This will not last, as the Earth Changes have gotten so severe, are already
leaking outside of media control, and will soon have everyone, including the debunkers, so distracted they will have
other matters to attend to. Bear in mind that