do with them anyway, in that position.

Then someone's saying, 'Don't think about it.' They're saying, 'You won't remember this. You're not supposed to. This is for your own good, so we can talk to you.' I'm trying to think how old I am. I keep thinking I'm in my twenties.

'Just lay there now.' I think I'm sort of trembling all over, just because it was a very nerve racking experience. This is[2/5/2012 11:14:14 AM]

ZetaTalk: Communications

not like a spasm trembling, just that I'm trembling all over. I feel pale and very shaky. Someone pats me on the hand,

something like that. I'm thinking, 'What was that all about?' One of them bends down and is looking at me eye-ball to

eye-ball. The eye contact thing. It's like he's checking out my reactions, my facial reactions, because they're looking at

my eyes. But he seems satisfied at what he sees. I'm not trembling any more now. There seems to be three or four of

them in the room. They're the big ones. I think there's one little one in the room. There's three or four of these larger

guys. They're as big as me or larger than me, not smaller than me. There's a counter around this chair in the center of

this room.

I'm saying, 'What was that all about? What was that all about!' I'm slightly angry. I would say, 'What was that all about!' That type of thing. They're all sitting and looking at me now, at my face. One of them is kind of sitting on the

edge of this lounge thing, and the other is kind of leaning over. I have three faces looking at me, about a foot and a

half away. They're all just staring at my facial expression, but they don't seem to show any alarm. They're not asking

me how I feel or anything like that. I think one of them says that I should move my arms and legs around, and see if I

can do it OK. I do kind of wiggle things. They ask me if I, 'Feel like going to the bathroom,' or anything like that, and I say, 'No.' In other words, do I have an urge, an uncontrollable urge or feel like I'm about to lose it. I know that

means something neurological. 'Feel sick to my stomach?' 'No.' 'Hurt any where?' 'No.'

I say, 'What did you do?' I'm getting no comment back. 'What was that for?' They're just not communicating

anything. They say something about, 'This is so you'll think about the universe more,' or something like that, and, 'We know you like that. And this is so we can talk to you.' I look at their mouths when they say that. I'm thinking, because

you don't talk that way. I guess I say, 'So now what.' 'Now you will be free to think more about the universe,' or something like that. I'll be, 'More free,' I'll feel more inclined and less restrained.

End Nancy's Hypnotic Recall

All rights reserved: [email protected][2/5/2012 11:14:14 AM]

ZetaTalk: Why Nancy?

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ZetaTalk: Why Nancy?

Note: written Jul 15, 1997.

Of course, we and others speak through a number of conduits. Many but not all channels

are valid, and some of these on occasion carry our voice. Nancy edits our words but also

contributes to the content by suggesting points we have failed to cover. Nancy is unique as

to her telepathic communications, though many others, seeing the success of ZetaTalk,

have asked for this. It is not so much her body, or her IQ, or her age or location that

determined our decision to accept Nancy's offer. She has other qualities, missing in others,

and in abundance in Nancy - courage, the ability to stand up to Service-to-Self methods,

absolutely, and a track record in this regard that allowed us to trust her with this mission.

She has more than satisfied our expectations. Nancy is also unique because she has placed

herself at great risk.

Nancy entered into an unlimited engagement with MJ12 in order to further certain goals. It

was her perception that MJ12 was a highly cautious organization, and would not act or move on matters of concern to

her unless they were guaranteed utmost control. She gave them that control by granting them, in essence, the ability to

execute her should they deem that necessary. For those unfamiliar with what an unlimited engagement is, this is

outlined in the Rules section of ZetaTalk where the rules whereby alien groups of different orientations engage. In

essence, it is a no-holds-barred engagement, unlimited, so that such an engagement bound Nancy for life. Of course, it

also bound the old MJ12 for their life, and when this arm of the government ceased to have official status, her

engagement was at an end too. They too, as an organization, could and did die.

Between alien groups of differing orientations, an unlimited engagement means that the groups engaged can savage

each other, without bounds, or manipulate circumstances, without censure, until the matter at issue is settled and

beyond. Such engagements are extremely rare, and normally do not involve groups, but rather individuals or dedicated

teams. Within the Service-to-Other groups, such teams have resigned themselves to death at a minimum, and more

often to experiences worse than death, in order to secure their goal. These are suicide missions, and Nancy understood

the risk she was under when she engaged MJ12. Several other humans had done so, and only one besides Nancy lives

today. The others died at the hands of what was then the predominant CIA influence over MJ12, brutally.

Because we, the Zetas, operate under the Rules of Engagement, we honored the unlimited engagement that Nancy

entered into with MJ12. Thus, if MJ12 wanted to meet with her, she was picked up and delivered to them by us, just as

we would haved delivered one of our own to engage the Service-to-Self they had engaged, even if this meant the

death of a friend and cohort. Nancy survived by her wits and passion for truth and justice, and an almost uncanny

ability to sense those members of MJ12 who are strongly Service-to-Others. She made allies, and swayed agendas, and

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