Culture is a factor of the concerns of the life form, and of the environment the life form finds itself in. For instance, on
a planet with little water and searing sun at midday, it would be an unthinkable crime to bar one's door to a stranger
needing shelter. An open door philosophy would become part of the culture, else the struggling members find
themselves decimated due to being fried, literally, due to lack of civility. Because humans have evolved on a world
with large carnivores, human cultures are notable, through not unique, for violent tendencies. You kill, maim, and
brutalize each other to a degree which would never even be imagined on other 3rd Density worlds, and think not much
of it. This violence, and it's acceptance, creeps through your culture, so that teachers punishing small children with a
slap, or fist fights among small boys, are considered normal. During future galactic encounters, this will be put into a
different perspective.[2/5/2012 11:14:33 AM]
ZetaTalk: Cultural Exchange
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Whenever one encounters a new culture, there is interchange, whether this is consciously done or not. Have humans
absorbed culture from Zetas and the other way around? Of course! One effect of cultural exchange we have noted in
humans is in attitudes toward priorities, what is important to hold to first and foremost. Human priorities in our
contactees usually take a shift toward greater ecology concerns and a sense of caring for the larger family of man. And
how have humans influenced us? Primarily in the area of allowance for emotion. Emotion in humans is very gripping -
strong grief, protective instincts, desire to reach out and comfort. When a human moves to place themselves in danger
to protect another, it is without thought, an absolute act of sacrifice quickly and unhesitatingly done. We admire that,
as our acts of sacrifice can be just as devastating to the self, but take more deliberation.
Have there been any particular humans who have influenced us most? We will name a few well known to mankind,
else our statements will be meaningless to the reader, though greater influence has come from those little know to the
populace - our good hearted contactees working quietly behind the scenes. Abraham Lincoln, who anguished and
deliberated over mankind's acts, yet engaged the political arena fully to right these wrongs. He took action to help
others in the face of stiff opposition. Dr. Jonas Salk, who discovered the Salk vaccine against polio, for his
determination and fortitude to alleviate the suffering among others that he himself had suffered. Little known is that he
experienced a form of polio in his youth, and knew its terror. He was tenacious in his resolve to help others. Albert
Schweitzer, for his reverence for life and the method he used to relay this philosophy to others. He lived his
philosophy, walked the talk as they say, though this made his life a hardship throughout. These examples all show how
strong emotion can be harnessed for good, and it is this characteristic that has impressed and influenced us.[2/5/2012 11:14:34 AM]
ZetaTalk: Meaning of Life
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Humans, unsure of an afterlife and without proof that reincarnation exists, often wonder what the point of it all is. Why
struggle to be good when good guys seem to finish last. Why work to build an empire when disaster can strike and
bring it to ruin. They look around and ask, is this all there is? They wonder if there is a God, or if there is why
atrocities are allowed to occur. It all boils down to the question - what is the Meaning of Life?
Confusion is deliberate during 3rd Density, a relatively short density, as the single lesson to be learned comes to a
focus fastest when the eye cannot see past the horizon. Service-to-Self or Service-to-Other is the decision to be made,
but as this is an emotional and moral decision, rather than an intellectual decision, not knowing the outcome of this
decision keeps the action going in the proper arena. Imagine if youngsters in school were given
outcome of their curricular decisions. This is a trendy idea which is scarcely followed, as parents and teachers and
family and the media all influence youngsters by pointed references and applause or punishment if not by outright
demands. The youngsters might be entranced by building things with blocks but be told that will only lead to a dirty
job working with one's hands, or be gifted at music and be enthralled in composing music to the exclusion of all other
activities but be reminded just as constantly that performers don't have the lifestyle that white collar professionals can
look to. The youngster's choices, in short, are
During 3rd Density the spiritual choices to be made crystallize quickest when no influences are allowed to interfere.
Being aware of the outcome during the learning incarnations slows the process because intellectual decisions