educational environment and the prospective employee claiming competence to do the job. Product advertisement is so
overstated that whole sections of the government are tasked with being watchdogs of such behavior. Criminal and civil
prosecution find both sides giving conflicting claims of guilt or innocence and following up these claims with elaborate
explanations and evidence. So why is it that humans expect to find absolute precision and truthfulness regarding the
millennium prophecies and channeled claims?
As with all of life, you must think for yourself and make your[2/5/2012 11:14:35 AM]
ZetaTalk: Belief Systems
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During the Transformation some things line up nicely and undergo change smoothly and other things are on a collision
course. Where people hold belief systems that stand at odds to information increasingly accepted by the populace as
fact - a crisis is in the making. As with the crisis a round Earth presented to those convinced the Earth was flat, or the
crisis the bones of Early Man presented to those convinced man was formed in a day - the alien presence presents a
crisis to those convinced that man is the only intelligent species in the Universe or was brought forth by God in his
likeness. This crisis is not peculiar to the highly religious, but as the precepts of many religions align with such
concepts, the devout are prone to find themselves in this position.
On the first point, that man is the only intelligent species, the belief system is assaulted on all sides. Space ships
indicating interstellar travel, feats such as rapid travel or disappearance, reports from contactees of medical miracles or
genetic engineering feats, the ability to levitate objects - all point to a
possesses. Those resisting this fact must either capitulate and admit what their senses and logic are telling them or turn
the other way and refuse to even contemplate the onslaught of information. These people are not hard to identify. They
turn red in the face and start shouting their beliefs when presented with facts that challenge those beliefs, as though the
argument were to be settled by volume.
On the second point, that man was made in God's image, the belief system places the individual in the position of
having to choose. Either the belief can be broadened to include all life as being in God's image, placing Homo Sapiens
in a peer relationship with other intelligent life forms, or the belief system holds and the alien visitors are held to be
ungodly - demons. Here too the individual rigidly clinging to a belief system at odds with the facts can be recognized.
As more and more information on the variety of intelligent life forms is made available, this individual turns away
from the discussion with a dark face, muttering warnings.
How should those eager for the Transformation and comfortable with the new concepts being presented deal with those
so rigidly caught in inappropriate belief systems? Pressing the facts on them does little good, as resistance only
increases under pressure. In fact, the opposite approach works best. Make a casual comment now and then, but back
off the subject. Do not confront. Let the facts work their magic, as they often do.[2/5/2012 11:14:36 AM]
ZetaTalk: Judgment Day
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The millennium, with its transformative aspects, has been colored in many ways by many religions. The Christian
religion paints this as the day of judgment, which in some respects it is! During the Transformation, those souls who
have been practicing a true Service-to-Others orientation, where they care for others as much as the self, will get their
reward, in a manner of speaking, by being allowed to incarnate again on Earth for what they would consider better
times - life with others of the same orientation, or a Heaven on Earth. Likewise, those souls who have been practicing
a determined Service- to-Self orientation, where they care for themselves 95% of the time and scarcely ever think of
others, will find they are destined to what most would call a Hell - life with others like themselves!
Will the graves open and the dead walk again? In that all spirits who have been incarnating on Earth will be sorted out
during the same general time period, this story has a relationship to the facts. Jesus did not mean that he himself,
personally, would be returning to act as judge and jury, but that he and his group, along with others, would be involved
with the Earth at this time.[2/5/2012 11:14:36 AM]
ZetaTalk: Second Coming
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