
continue their incarnation, must be adhered to.

Thus, we do not rescue humans, we simply permit their incarnation to continue. The lift will be facilitated by what the

Bible refers to as the mark of God, what the Oasphe referred to as a mark in the forehead, and what contactee support

groups commonly refer to as an implant. Implants are simply locating devices that help visitors and their contactees

come into contact quickly. The contactee may give mental directions, but there is nothing like a homing device to make

contact fast. During the cataclysms, when the Earth's crust has shifted and stopped, a great many humans will need to[2/5/2012 11:14:38 AM]

ZetaTalk: The Lift

be located and lifted, simultaneously. As we have stated, most in the Service-to-Others have declined this offer so as

to be with their loved ones during the time of greatest need. But likewise, many have determined they can best serve

by being whole to help pick up the pieces. A busy time, when implants long used to bring visitor and contactee

together will be used as emergency devices.

All rights reserved: [email protected][2/5/2012 11:14:38 AM]

ZetaTalk: Future Pole Shifts

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ZetaTalk: Future Pole Shifts

Note: written Feb 15, 1997. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

As we have explained, the 12th Planet won't move to 4th Density when the Earth moves, as the hominoids on that

planet are not due for a Transformation until sometime in the future. The Earth is in her transformative period,

although the actual switch to physical 4th Density will not occur for some decades. But what will occur when the 12th

Planet hominoids are ready to be harvested? Will their planet move to a physical 4th Density, and will this not

reinstate the periodic pole shifts that the Earth experiences today? This would indeed be the case if the 12th Planet

were planned to be moved, but not all life bearing planets become a home for entities in a 4th Density spiritual

existence. Some remain permanently a home for 3rd Density entities, forming entities in the first step in spiritual life.

Harvests occur periodically on 3rd Density worlds, and occur without a Transformation. A Transformation only

happens when the physical world is destined to become a home for entities living in physical 4th Density. A

Transformation thus encompasses a vote of the current native entities, those who formed on that planet, as to their

orientation. Once the vote has been taken, as it was in the case of the Earth just prior to the mid-century point some 50

years ago, then the orientation of the future 4th Density planet is established. In the case of the Earth, as we have

explained, this future orientation was determined to be Service-to-Other. As a result of the vote, incarnations onto the

transforming world are in accordance with the future orientation. For the Earth, this means that Service-to- Other

entities are reincarnating at the present time.

A harvest on a 3rd Density world results in mature Service-to-Other and Service-to-Self entities being removed, upon

the physical death of the life form their current incarnation occurred in, to another world, a 4th Density world both

spiritually and physically. Thus, the future Earth will be the recipient of many entities from other worlds who have

matured to the point of being 50/50 concerned for others as much as concerned for self. These entities will incarnate

into the hybrid life form we are producing. Some of these entities could conceivably be from the 12th Planet, former

giant hominoids from the planet that ravaged the Earth periodically during its passage through the Solar System. The

12th Planet will continue as a 3rd Density existence planet, forming entities in the giant hominoids who were seeded to

be native to that planet.

All rights reserved: [email protected][2/5/2012 11:14:39 AM]

ZetaTalk: Scheduled Events

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ZetaTalk: Scheduled Events

Note: written Sep 15, 1995.

Periodically humans anxious about all the changes coming about hope for something solid. Something akin to when

the President calls a press conference and at last explains. Something akin to when a dying man comes clean and

hands his diary over to an investigative reporter. Some breakthrough. Mankind these days is dealing with general

uneasiness about the millennium, which is supposed to be the end of the world or at least catastrophic, the alien

presence, which they are told may or may not be true but which is constantly in the news in some manner or another,

and their sense of weather pattern changes that seem only partly explained by the Greenhouse effect. Many people are

telepathic, and listen to each other when they share anxieties. If more than one thinks something is going to happen on

a particular date, it is because they are telling this to each other.

All rights reserved: [email protected]

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