Regarding the return of Jesus, much ballyhoo is spread about this possibility, especially among fundamental Christians,
who see this as the reward for any hardship they endure. Like most of the Bible, this has been misunderstood, and the
intended message got skewered. The predictions of Moses should not be taken literally, as he spoke in allegory and
from hope. The intended message relates to the Transformation, where the Earth will become a home for those in the
Service-to-Others orientation. Jesus was saying, at that time the Earth will be like a home to me, where I and others
operating in the Service- to-Others orientation will feel comfortable and at home. When he was understood to be
saying that
ourselves can be seen as having a mission similar to that of Jesus.[2/5/2012 11:14:37 AM]
ZetaTalk: Ascension
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Learning of the Transformation, humans almost invariably put their own spin on it. Those humans who are operating
solidly in the Service-to-Other orientation will be given the option to be lifted to safety, briefly, during the coming
pole shift. This has long been imparted to mankind, as almost all 3rd Density worlds have voted to become Service-to-
Other during their Transformation, and this temporary lift is simply a means of transporting them into their future
home, the Earth. This message has been twisted, for comfort and gain. In particular, the Christian religion has used the
concept of an ascension to encourage obedience in the flock and support of the religious elite. Follow the rules and you
will be saved. There is no group or religion that is scheduled for ascension, no ritual or bartering that will improve
one's chances, no practice or lifestyle that will pave the way - there is
action, on one's orientation to be Service-to-Other. This decision cannot be faked or taught or expedited by dogma. It
involves the individual, solely.[2/5/2012 11:14:37 AM]
ZetaTalk: The Lift
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What has been interpreted by Christian fundamentalists as the rapture and by some New Agers as salvation at the
hands of their space brothers is what we have described as the lift, a temporary removal of those humans staunchly in
the Service-to-Others orientation from the effects of the cataclysms. Hearing in this prophecy or that of this offer to be
made to those in the Service-to-Others, the message quickly got skewed to include the listener. If the message was
heard by a Christian fundamentalist while reading the Bible, then those to be saved during Armageddon were
Christians. If the message was heard by humanitarian New Agers reading and interpreting ancient prophecies, then
clearly this rescue at the dawn of a new age was the rescue of all of mankind by the wisdom and intervention of
friendly aliens. At no time was the listener left behind. What in fact is to happen during the most terrible hour of that
most terrible day?
Those staunchly in the Service-to-Other orientation are increasingly becoming contactees, whether aware of that status
or not. The Transformation is more and more in the minds of those in the Service-to-Others, and thus the mass
consciousness of those who think along like lines informs those humans who are
experiencing. It is a wake-up call. Thus alerted to momentous changes ahead, The Call is given and yet another
Service-to-Other human has become a contactee. There is much confusion about the Lift, its purpose and execution.
This is greatly mixed up, in human minds, with the parental image, someone taking care of them. This is likewise
mixed up, in human minds, with the general government assurance that they
government comes to
take you to a safe place where you get soup and blankets. The Lift is not intended to take a Service-to-Other person to
safety, it is intended to prevent them from dying, as they wish to continue their incarnation and do work toward the
good in the Aftertime. As conscious encounters with aliens will occur only as the general populace in an area is ready
for this, en mass, giving someone the Lift is not to give them a
1. the rules that an Element of Doubt must exist, until the person
encounters, must be adhered to.
2. the rule of Non Interference, beyond simply saving the Service-to-Other person from destruction so they