
In contrast, North Korea is led by incompetence which has put the country into starvation under the hand of a

dictator who will party until his last countryman is in the grave. This will result in a palace revolution or a

scuffle with a neighbor, in either case a change in leadership. The lack of crops and food stores, an economic

issue, will be the deciding factor.

How does this history comfort those under dictatorships in place today, or those slipping into dictatorship as those in

the US fear their loss of voting rights might indicate? If the pole shift is an Opportunity for rebels to emerge, it is likewise an opportunity for palace revolutions or border scuffles, but the outcome among survivors will be driven by

economics, once again, the sword hammered into a plow, by necessity.[2/5/2012 11:12:55 AM]

ZetaTalk: Che Lives!

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ZetaTalk: Che Lives!

written Oct 14, 2006

President of Venezuela Hugo Chavez was talking about Che Guevara lately. Chavez was comparing this

legendary South American revolutionist-fighter to Jesus. Can the Zetas comment about the Che lives!

phenomenon? [and from another] Ernesto Che

Guevara was murdered on October 9, 1967 - shot in the head by a Bolivian soldier in the presence of the

CIA. When the world's powerful cheered the brutal murder of the anti-imperialist and revolutionary

socialist fighter, they hadn't considered that his murder would transform Che into a symbol of the global

struggle against injustice.

We stated at the start of ZetaTalk that S. America was a battleground between the Service-to-Other and Service-to-Self, recently won. Many spirits, incarnated and disincarnate, were engaged. Look to the past of S America, the

Pinochet regime, the NAZI refugees in Argentina, the brutal colonial attitude of the elite in power in so many of S

America's countries. Look to the remarkable change in just this past decade. Brazil went remarkably democratic in

2002, with Luiz da Silva, a left leaning President, elected resoundingly. In early 2006 Chili elected S America's first

woman President, an astonishing feat considering her opponent was an ultra-right millionaire. That Venezula's

President, Chavez, survived a CIA backed coup in 2002 should likewise not be a surprise, given the attention paid to S

America by spirits in the Service-to-Other, who stood like angels around him during his trials. Where is this leading?

Clearly, this supports our assertion that the battle for the soul of S. American has been won. In that Africa is beginning

to see signs of the same kind of revolution, our assertion that the battle has moved to Africa is likewise supported.

It has often been stated that many heroes are stronger in death than in life, especially if they are martyred. But the

process does not require a martyr. Democratic revolutions almost invariably include a figurehead who is dramatically

Service-to-Other, loudly espousing the right of the common man to equal rights with oppressors and presenting a clear

plan on how such equality might be achieved. When one looks closely at their personality from childhood to

adulthood, one can see they were cast in this mold from the beginning. They are clearly souls on a mission, and their

life circumstances had little to do with where they ultimately arrived. There are more similarities than differences in

the life of Jesus and Che and Chavez, in point of fact, as they all proceed resolute in the face of oppression despite the

threats made upon their personal safety. Cut from the same mold. Where a fight is protracted, or iterative, a current

hero may invoke the memory of one past. In the US at present, there are comparisons to NAZI Germany, comparing

Bush to Hitler and his fascist and war mongering ways. In response, Bush has compared himself to President Lincoln,

who fought to emancipate the slaves, but the comparison does not stick. Thus, Che lives in Chavaz, but Lincoln does

not live in Bush, as the people are not so fooled.[2/5/2012 11:12:56 AM]

ZetaTalk: Leadership Styles

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ZetaTalk: Leadership Styles

written May 27, 2009

Leadership in time of crisis is most often different than the leadership that prevails during calm and stable times. When

the unknown presents, leadership differs from that which is required during familiar challenges. For Earth in the near

future, the leadership that will emerge will be that which can deal with all known techniques for group preservation

being questioned, all established expectations for intra-group cooperation being disappointed, and problems the group

faces routinely overwhelming the resources of the group. In other words, the leadership will be taking a fresh

approach, or will fail. This almost invariably excludes the establishment leadership, which has emerged during

economic and geological stability. The qualities of leadership have been much analyzed, and training programs

established, but captains of industry have emerged not from such programs but because of qualities within

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