intimidate people based on their money. Heaven forbid they should be leveled to the rest of the populace and have to
grovel and scratch! They can’t have that! They are trying to figure out what they can do. In the past they could rely on
the court system, which is in the main their friend, or large corporations which can threaten to fire or harass those
failing to cooperate with the wealthy elite. And of course they have bought politicians right and left.
What are they to do if all of this is aside, and they are just standing there with their useless paper money and their
store of goods? Even if they hire people to guard them, that only goes so far. One can have 50 people with assault
weapons guarding the perimeter, but depending on what comes at you this may be inadequate. A sheer force of
numbers can spill bodies until the guards are overwhelmed, and then the horde is at the gate. So the wealthy elite
worry about situations like Mexicans traveling north, the city of LA emptying and charging up into the mountains or
going into Utah, into the enclaves there. They sit around and speculate about where to create blocks and prevent that
from happening.
This is what contrails really represent. The victims routinely feel very fatigued, ill, like one does if they are suffering
from the flu - they can’t move, can’t run, and thus they have been slowed down. Contail induced illness does not kill
the victim, it slows them down. The wealthy elite are determining just how effective this is, and finding that it is an
effective weapon.[2/5/2012 11:13:22 AM]
ZetaTalk: Paper Promise
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The banking system or any paper money system is built on confidence, confidence that a note will
be paid out in something
systems and bank notes are. Centuries past, when the world was operating primarily on the barter
system, such promises were few and were backed by gold or silver, or land, or a herd of horses or
cows, something
by barter, a cabinet built by a carpenter and payment in a quarter of a slaughtered hog, a bushel of
apples getting a tooth pulled by a dentist. Financial sophistication developed slowly, based on the
growing confidence that the
a debtor economy ran beyond the supply of gold, the money systems were taken off the gold standard. In the past, a
creditor could put his house and property up as backing for a loan, his herd, perhaps even his pending harvest of
wheat, but could
The creditor is given credit on the
And all pass paper promises around as though these were based on
As can be seen when whole countries default on the paper money they float out under their
flag, the value of a dollar can collapse quickly. Argentina is a case in point, the money
becoming worthless almost overnight. In days past when banks and paper money were closely
tied to
demanding payment in
the end of the shuffle those having made savings deposits would find themselves with a herd of cattle or some acreage,
rather than paper money. When money became unhinged from solid backing, speculation crept in, resulting in inflated
stocks, loans without collateral, a pyramid scheme that is a house of cards that would collapse with
shuffle with anything solid in their hands. Most would be left holding worthless notes, uncollectable, standing atop a
deep pile of bankruptcies. During the Great Depression, it was no secret that banks were in default, farmers and
corporations bankrupt, but this was
properties and empty buildings in the hands of banks who could not sell them as the market itself was dead. So a
bankrupt status was ignored, and all floated along until life came back into the system and payments began to be made
again, extension after extension made. This is what is occurring
entities, to avoid a breach of confidence that would start a panic in the world at large. Say nothing, make no demands
for payment in
assumes cooperation among all parties, and where this is holding
a difference.