seen as the solution to underfunding of government ambitions. History has shown that banks and the value of the
dollar fall during economic depressions, and the years preceding the coming cataclysms will see crop failures in the
face of atypical weather and intractable droughts, insurance company failure due to weather and earthquake severity,
and a general lack of confidence.
In the face of lack of faith in the paper money system the world banking community has come to rely upon, there will
be a return to the simple method of barter - you give me a bushel of apples and I’ll give you two gallons of milk.
People long reliant upon credit and shopping will begin to lower their debt and begin to rely upon themselves, leaving
the banking industry without customers. This will of course create a panic of sorts within the banking industry, which
like organized religions are seeing their economic base shrinking. One can expect anxious maneuvers like forced
participation and alliance with various large corporations, but this is only a stop-gap measure and such maneuvers will
be challenged. Most people, if speaking truthfully, express only resentment for their bankers, who are seen as a
parasite on the backs of the working folk.
We have predicted a collapsing economy, to the degree that it would drop to 1/4 of its strength as it stood at the end of
1999. It is not
lack of strength in the economy, but lived more simply. Of course, there were the elite who jumped out window rather
than face the horror of living a simple life and actually working for a living, but we are not considering these in our
statement above. We are here talking about the innocents of the world. During the Great Depression, banks failed but
were not called to account, mortgages late by foreclosure in the main not done, and all rode until times got better, in
the main. There are stories about failures, foreclosures, families losing homes and farms, but the vast majority simply
looked the other way and rode it out. Why foreclose when there are no buyers? Why close the doors of the bank,
revealing a failing, when other banks are in the same stance?
The barter system emerges, people working for each other on a day by day basis, for food or an exchange of goods.
We anticipate a
must step in or the homeless population increase. Those countries where the population is allowed to die, starve, get
diseased and lay by the roadside in this state, will simply continue this practice. Those countries where the government
is expected to
promises. Thus, families will be thrown on the good graces of their neighbors, the extended family, co- workers, or[2/5/2012 11:13:23 AM]
ZetaTalk: Economic Collapse
philanthropic individuals. This is a precursor to the situation that will exist after the shift, so get used to it.
Control of the Stock Market is under the control of money managers more than is understood. Where is it assumed that
given the right to demand buy or sell, with only a portion of the control given to the holder. Thus, money managers,
under the hand of elite, who hire them and can fire them, are told
over. What would case the panic? Money managers who do
payroll, will eventually override the requests from above, and
greed, the desire to have a quarterly profit bonus delivered, will cause individual actions that bump into each other,
causing what we will call a plunge. Since this is so much in the hand of man, we cannot predict days, nor do we
consider this a priority as
suffering of the innocents of the world, we think this a misplaced focus!
We predicted some months ago, toward the Middle of 2002, when the Stock Market swings were extreme from day to
day, that the brakes had been lost and the Market could collapse suddenly. There are many forms for these brakes to
take, and following that July dip, the market has held steady in spite of
this happening, when layoffs continue, bankruptcies continue, public confidence low and buying at a virtual standstill
Disasters such as planes dropping from the sky, decreasing use of the air for travel, train derailments, increasing
business and insurance losses, and increasing illness. Whole cruise ships get ill, and pull into port in an attempt to
sterilize the ship. Military bases take sick, with common illnesses such as Strep Throat.
engine to pull the world out of what is now being termed a recession, but which in fact is a depression, akin