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ZetaTalk: Not Politics

written Oct 11, 2003

At Schreiver Air Force Base [in Colorado Springs] as military and civilian leaders from all

the NATO nations engaged in a study seminar ... NATO has decided to mount a new NATO

Response Force, composed of about 20,000 personnel, that can respond instantly to

asymmetric threats ... Wednesday’s war game, the centerpiece of a two-day gathering of

NATO defense secretaries and chiefs of staff, was designed to get the member nations thinking

about how to react in such cases.

NATO Conducts Rapid-Reaction War Game

Washington Post, Oct 8

Given the increasingly obvious fact that Planet X is in the vicinity and not going away before trashing the

neighborhood, and the decision and actions taken last August by the US Military to supplant the White House as

Commander in Chief with their own internal leadership, how should the meeting of NATO commanders for supposed

war games be viewed? Would not war games be better played in Europe, where most participants reside? As NATO is

a North Atlantic defense alliance, is not the western portion of the continental US an inappropriate setting? And where

are the politicians, strutting about on the stage and explaining the situation to the public? Compare this meeting to one

some months ago in France, where heads of state from all over the world met supposedly to discuss Iraq and mend

fences, a representation of the worlds countries that rivaled meetings at the UN. The NATO meeting was unannounced,

where in France much fanfare preceded and accompanied the meeting. The NATO meeting is nonpolitical, down to

business, and exclusively involves those arms of the countries represented involved in defense of their individual


What is to be made of the lack of politicians and politics as usual, given the failure of the recent attempt to alter the

path of Planet X with nukes under cover of Galileo’s death via a plunge into Jupiter, so that planning for disasters on Earth is the only plan to be made? In France, when the White House ruled the world it seemed, invading what

countries it wished, and thus threatening those counties that could not be bribed, the heads of state were told that an

errant planet was within the solar system, but would pass through and move on, so that the most important focus

should be preventing awareness and panic in the public. Pressure, pain, payment, whatever was required was applied

until all agreed to follow the White House and the major powers in this matter, no public statements to be made until

the all-clear signal had been given. Part of this plan was to alter the path of Planet X, with nukes, and so sure were the arrogant hands at NASA that this would work that promises made in the event this path change did not work were

made dismissively, an event that was not expected to happen. When the time came to honor those promises, paralysis

set in.

Those with real estate interests along coastlines, retail businesses likely to be looted, ownership of corporations

providing services likely to fail in times of panic among the workers, financial institutions relying on respect for the

dollar for survival, wealth composed of paper such as stocks and bonds, or whose livelihood required the steady state

of the economy argued loudly that any announcement about a new rogue planet in the neighborhood was irresponsible.

Politicians who never expected to be required to do anything other than make an appearance after a local disaster,

swapping resources from one part of their domain to another while acting the hero, paled when faced with the prospect

of having to face the public with no resources to be allocated, and nothing but demands. In particular, those who would be king of the new world, orchestrating an oil grab in Iraq under the guise of fighting terrorism and manipulating the

electoral process into their continued dictatorship, insisted that distracting the public with the truth not be done.

In short, the US Military, the Defense Department, and their counterparts in other countries, were faced with a

decision - to allow politics and corporate and personal interests to rule, or to honor their oath to protect and defend the[2/5/2012 11:13:51 AM]

ZetaTalk: Not Politics

people of their respective countries.[2/5/2012 11:13:51 AM]

ZetaTalk: The Scapegoat

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ZetaTalk: The Scapegoat

written Jan 5, 2004

Throughout 2003, cooperation among world leaders was garnered by a promise that the passage of Planet X would

occur with little more than minor earthquakes and tides and meteor showers, and the admonition that the greater threat

was panic among the masses who would desert their jobs to loot and pillage and make unreasonable demands on their

leadership. The leaders agreed, especially since they were bribed and threatened to encourage them to do so. That odd

meeting in France, over a year ago, where all heads of state were in attendance to ostensibly talk about Iraq and

mending fences, had a different agenda indeed. Now that earthquake damage has become a daily affair, along with

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