close ties of the Bush Administration to Enron and Haliburton and Harken Energy corruption and

you have a tangle of lies bringing down respect in all quarters. Clearly the peoples of the world

have lost respect for leadership that insists on invading other countries at will, continuing to lay land

mines and build nuclear arms, adding to Global Warming pollution, exempting itself from the World

Courts, and treating the UN as irrelevant. Thus, a leadership vacuum exists.

On the eve of the Pole Shift, when global devastation of such proportions will occur going into rotation stoppage that

even a cohesive and focused leadership would be hard pressed to deal with it, the elite are in the process of changing

captains. They are about to lose the US Military to its internal leadership, so that it could not be counted upon to guard

the elite, first and foremost, shooting down civilian populations that threaten the enclaves of the elite. They are about to lose the stronghold they thought they had secured in the Middle East, in Iraq, from whence they planned to grab the

Saudi fields, as the Iraqi people as a whole are about to rise up and depose the US occupation trapped in the center of their country. They are about to see the frantically propped up DOW take a steep plunge, the bottom nowhere in sight,

when matters reach the point where each financial institution or investor starts going for themselves and no longer

following the plan, as when the ship is obviously sinking, every rat leaving the sinking ship wants to be first. They are casting about for leadership within the White House that would impress the US Military, which would then recover a

demoralized Iraq, which would then reinstate public confidence so the markets continue to cling to the cliff. Does such

leadership exist?[2/5/2012 11:13:48 AM]

ZetaTalk: Sudden Death

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ZetaTalk: Sudden Death

written March 29, 2008 on the GodlikeProduction live chat.

For the 10 races ahead, 566 pledged delegates remain. Say these are divided 50/50 giving each 283

though Obama is favored for all but PA and many states are still allocating based on past primary

elections or a caucus. There are only about 334 supers remaining to be allocated. Say these are divided

50/50 giving each 167. This puts Obama over the top, Clinton 100 delegates behind. Does Pelosi know

what the uncommitted supers are thinking? She apparently does, saying it will be decided before Denver.

Obama 1414 P + 283 More + 213 S + 167 More = 2077

Clinton 1246 P + 283 More + 248 S + 167 More = 1944

There is rampant speculation among the pundits about the Democratic primary, whether this will run all the way to the

Denver convention with the two contenders exchanging barbs so they destroy each other and the Democratic party's

chances in 2008 in the process. Obama is clearly in the lead, by all counts, and as he generates enthusiasm in the young

and independents, the Democratic party finds registration in the Democratic party has expanded to new members. Two

to three times the usual number have shown up for the primary, boding well for the general election. Obama also leads

Clinton in the polls, and beats McCain by a wider margin than Clinton in the polls. Thus, the party elders and most

super delegates can see the writing on the wall. Obama would favor 'down-ticket' candidates during the general

election, increasing the percentage of Democrats in the House and Senate. Obama would bring independents and cross-

over Republicans over, so they could not vote for McCain, where Clinton would not do this. This is the source of why

McCain invariably beats Clinton in the polls, where Obama invariably beats McCain in the polls.

What is holding the super delegates back from frankly endorsing Obama then? Fear of Clinton rage, which has shown

itself recently when Richardson endorsed Obama and when Pelosi dared to suggest that the will of the people should

prevail. Pelosi was threatened by Clinton's principal backers, who in essence stated that their money should call the

shots. Bill Clinton has played the race card repeatedly, and both Bill and Hillary have implied that McCain would be a

better Commander-in-Chief than Obama. They have shown that they would conduct a scorched earth campaign, if they

were not to emerge as the winner. The party elders have decided on a path that will limit the Clinton rage. Obama is

not likely to win Pennsylvania but will diminish Clinton's win there. Obama will win big in North Carolina and

Oregon, is likely to win in Indiana, and the rest of the states are a tossup. Thus, he will hold his delegate and popular

vote lead, and will continue to rack up delegates from the caucus states as they continue to allocate delegates at the

state level. The Clintons are expected to hold to their argument that Hillary wins among Democrats in the big blue

states, and insist that Michigan and Florida be allowed to be seated as is from the January illicit primaries.

It is then that the boom will be lowered. The party elders, including Pelosi, Gore, and Dean are aware of which

direction the supposedly undecided super delegates are leaning. Pelosi, as head of the House, listens to their hand

wringing all the time, and as the chair of the upcoming Denver convention gets phone calls from super delegates not in

Washingon DC. She has the counts, and has advised those worried about the Clinton wrath to hold off so they can all

endorse as a block. Rumors of such a block of perhaps 50 or 80 super delegates have emerged in the past, but the

numbers are much higher, the majority of those remaining to commit. When it is clear that Obama has won more

states, won more pledged delegates, and won more of the popular vote, then the super delegates as a block

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