rights take precedence, as though the taxpayer were not being drown or baked by the weather, forced into bankruptcy
by job and crop losses, with no change in sight. The sense is that global warming, or any corrections ensuing, will
correct the increasing disasters, and the casual attitude of the US leadership means, in fact, that this is most likely
the cause of the disastrous trends.
In primitive cultures, where concepts such as earthquake plates clashing and sliding against each other or a molten
core forcing lava up through volcanoes or the Jet Stream affecting weather are not known, disasters are taken to be the
hand of some irate god and sacrifices or steps taken to placate the god made accordingly. Where a wider view of the
world is taught to the populace, in schools or via the availability of information, concepts of cause and effect supplant
the religious. Germs cause infection and can be countered by antibiotics. Pesticides can counter plagues of insects and
fungicides can make black mold disappear. There are
at least prepare for them. Thus, the utter lack of
upticks, and rising seas have left the populace stunned, the more so because there does not appear to even be a debate
on the matter.
This results in a conclusion that the
populace, and this message imparts a sense that a disaster of immense proportions is pending. It is the
discussion on cause and effect, the
periodic cataclysms and wandering poles, gain credence, as at least this is an explanation.[2/5/2012 11:13:46 AM]
ZetaTalk: Discomfiting
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Many humans are clearly aware of what is coming, in their subconscious, all the while denying this on the surface in
their conscious. There is a great gap between what the common man senses, and sees about him, and what the
government is willing to talk about. As the weather changes, there is
patterns and where this might be leading. Summer in winter and winter in summer? There is only discussion about
variations from the past, as though this were just another day, not an
coastlines? There is no talk of how much property will shortly be swallowed up, and what the insurance companies
will do when they go bankrupt. Melting poles and glaciers? This is talked about as though just another odd aspect in
the weather pattern,
when the media could only talk about a Presidents Oval Office escapade, we are now treated only to nightly coverage
of where Bin Laden might be hiding.
Thus, the public becomes increasingly uneasy, as they sense something
They sense a cover-up, and are thinking, at least subconsciously, of what this might mean. They are dealing with life
as many contactees must, daily. Living two lives, and trying to act as though this were normal. If they share their
concerns, they fear being called odd, so stay silent. Worries not shared are increasingly distracting, and lead one to
make mistakes on the job or elsewhere. Thus, accidents, bloopers, slips of the tongue, and absentmindedness are on the
increase.[2/5/2012 11:13:46 AM]
ZetaTalk: Proof
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In 1995, when ZetaTalk began, we stated that weather changes, increasing earthquakes, and an almost imperceptible
slowing of the Earth were signs the passage was approaching. As the Weather in those days was debatable, although showing up in charts done by dedicated Troubled Times members during the years leading up to the Year 2000, and
Earthquakes likewise have been blurred by underreporting of quake magnitude and incidence, the slowing rotation is a
evidence that the US Navy was
this from public view as early as 1994. This is well documented in the Slowing TOPIC of Troubled Times, where the Moon cycles were pre-adjusted so that calendars reporting Moon phases would not allow the public to become aware
that the Earth was moving more
proof that the elite, in power, in the US and other areas where atomic clocks are maintained,
occur. Few hands were in this, and the Navy maintains the master clock by which all sync, so this conspiracy was