ZetaTalk: Pope's Appology

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ZetaTalk: Pope's Appology

Dated March 23, 2000

The church deems itself a leader, when in fact it is being dragged to this apology by many factors and forces. Given its

own time schedule, and when in the driver’s seat, the church appreciates rigidity, consistency and structure. It’s very

hierarchical. It’s members are drawn to it by the hope and the assurance that life when they enter the order will be the

same in the order when they leave - consistency, things remaining the same, security - the ultimate social security

system. Those entering the order expect that one’s title can bring prestige and honor or at least polite treatment.

Therefore the Catholic church, like many religious institutions but in particular the Catholic church, is noted for

rigidity. Even if a statement or a posture is absurd they adhere to it simply for the sake of rigidity and consistency until

their faces are red and they must cease preaching on the issue. But nevertheless, in the back corridors and in the inner

chambers, the rigid, ridiculous statements are adhered to.

So why would such an institution come forth and say “We were wrong”? What is the impetus? For centuries they have

taken the most absurd steps, assumed the most absurd postures, and never admitted fault. The illusion of being

infallible is a cornerstone in the sense of security that those who go into the order achieve. Somehow they can do no

wrong. Somehow there is a godliness that dribbles down over the members of the order so that they can never be held

accountable and they can do no wrong. And thus they go to bed smug. How would such a group of people suddenly

decide that they had blood on their hands, that they had erred, and that they needed to announce this in front of the

people they are regularly posturing in front of as being infallible? It is a contradiction in and of itself.

Look to the circumstances that would cause the Catholic church to make such an apology. They are, as we have stated,

losing membership. They are no longer attracting people to the order, such that their priests and nuns are diminishing

in number, growing old and not being replaced by young blood. They are losing respect in educated countries such as

the US and in other countries not so educated, not through knowledge of any factors that would contradict the church’s

statements, but just due to a general psychic awareness of the populace who then turn away from the church.

Membership is diminishing. Funds are diminishing. The papal hierarchy in Rome is desperately concerned and has

been for decades about the diminished power of the church, though they do not admit this situation at all. Nevertheless,

they thrash about. What is to come during the next 3 years? What is to become of a church that does not lead and does

not even shelter it’s populace going into horrendous changes in their lives where people will die and have desperate

circumstances to deal with. The public will certainly not turn around and give to the church. They will certainly not

cling to priests or sermons that not only do not lead, they do not even comfort.

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ZetaTalk: Lack of Leadership

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ZetaTalk: Lack of Leadership

Note: written August 26, 2001

The populace has increasingly become aware that changes in the weather patterns, which affect storms and the ability

of a country to harvest crops, are not temporary swings but moving in a direction, with no end in sight. The inability of

their leaders to do anything other than huddle and discuss global warming corrections has stunned those who naively

look to their government or church or international corporate giants for rescue. Can nothing be done? And where will

this end? Contradictions such as the reluctance of the US to join the Kyoto Agreement on global warming and chirpy

talk of economic recoveries in the face of a worldwide recession have likewise left the populace hollow. Is no one

addressing the issues? Is there no intelligent hand at the helm? There are thresholds in the cooperation the populace

grants their leaders, who most often are not chosen by the populace but foisted upon them, even in democracies where

the leadership is chosen by election.

When times are good, the populace ignores the leadership, in the main content to let things cook along as they

are. The feeling is that the boat should not be rocked, let well enough alone, and let’s see how we can take

advantage of the good times to prosper and develop our business interests. Debates among politicians are

watched in the same manner as sports, as an entertainment rather than a tense outcome to be agonized over. It

hardly matters who is at the helm, as things are going as well as can be expected.

When economies are faltering, the populace wants action or change, knowing how quickly economic depressions

can settle on a country or region like a dark blanket of gloom. Government tinkering with economic dials, such

as lowering interest rates or lifting import/export restrictions, has likewise created an expectation that something

can be done. If no action is taken, the mood changes from watchful worry to an angry sense that the leadership

should be tossed out.

When intractable disasters occur, such as massive earthquakes or hurricanes or floods, the populace affected

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