that it has
determined that the US government has been in contact with aliens and has denied this. The vast proportion of
Americans in polls state that they believe that aliens exist. This is running away. The populace of the world in general
feels that aliens are real and not to be feared and any statements to the opposite are absurd. So the governments of the
world have been banding together on this matter. Leaks have occurred. Semi-truths such as Corso’s Roswell have
come out. More and more the public sees aliens in advertisements and movies such that it has become so commonplace
that the public almost feels they are having them at the dinner table. Likewise with the cataclysmic changes that are
occurring, where the magnetism in the core of the Earth is diminished so that it is almost common knowledge to the
public. Whales and dolphins are beaching themselves and birds that use magnetism are totally confused and even
planes can no longer rely on their compasses. These kinds of geological changes have become evident. Announcements
as to the reason for such changes will be made if only in subtle degrees.
Governments fear riots and coups and having the intelligentsia turn against them. They fear becoming irrelevant. And
therefore they will release information to the degree that they must in order to remain relevant.[2/5/2012 11:13:43 AM]
ZetaTalk: Belated Admissions
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The religious institutions are considered a controlling establishment, and as such are very closely allied with many
political establishments around the world, to the extent that many political establishments and churches are wedded
and are almost one and the same. Look to the Philippines and the Catholic church to see how closely allied they can
be. Look to the Catholic church in Europe in the past to see how closely they can be allied. It is not uncommon in
some Asian countries for Buddhism, for instance, to be so closely tied to a political structure that they almost appear to
be one and the same. Therefore the religious institutions can be expected to be alerted, to have an inside track well
ahead of what the general populace would hear. Consequently, the church has gotten wind that announcements are
going to be made to the public.
Hearing this, the church, not wanting to become completely irreverent and determined to skew itself ahead of any such
announcements in such a way that it would be seen as a leader rather than something rigid dragged along at the rear of
the buggy, in the dust, always pulled along and never at the fore. They want to create the illusion of leadership, and
hopefully retain some of the respect they now hold. They want to forge ahead prior to any official announcements
from governments, and make their own announcements. Thus, the public can anticipate the church to almost be a
harbinger of future government announcements. When you see a frantic papacy come forth with pronouncements that
seem totally out of keeping with its past, look behind it to what it is actually running from, which is the inside track on
announcements that are to be made.
For instance, the Catholic church is now alluding to the reality of aliens which certain portions of the US government
has denied for years. Now the church comes, saying “Oh, by the way, aliens are real”. Are they leading, or are they
coming in as a Johnny-come-lately hoping that the public will not notice how slow they have been with these
statements. We hear from the Catholic church that Mary’s message is being decoded or being leaked to the public. Just
why does the Catholic faithful have to wait until the Pope decides it is time for them to hear about these messages?
Why should they be a secret? Why should they be retained only by the elite? If they come late with these messages,
what does that say about the church’s respect for the faithful, those who send in their money and support the church
and its hierarchy? Why are they now doing this? If the public finds they are the last to know, this will be highly
You can anticipate that the Catholic church will come forth with announcements and revelations that have been known
to the Catholic church for its entire history only after the governments of the world have become increasingly honest
with their populace. They do this to gain enough respect to retain control and be maintained in their positions. As the
church begins to see governments assume a trend that becomes more than just talk but become action, and information
is being relayed to people increasingly such as the renewed discussion about Planet X coming out of Britain, the
church will begin to bend and say “Oh, we’re giving you information because we are leading the flock”. They are not
leading. They are frantically running ahead of the truth that is being revealed to people, to appear to be leaders. But in
this regard they are revealing what the backroom discussions of those in the power positions, the establishment, are
saying - the back room discussions the public is not privy to.[2/5/2012 11:13:43 AM]