often too busy simply surviving to address leadership issues, but afterwards is left stunned with a pervading
sense of abandonment if the expected steps are not taken. Where was the mustering of aid, given in the past
during such times? Where is the offer of interest free loans, to rebuild? Why are the insurance companies
allowed to stall, endlessly, or change their policies, where in the past this has resulted in government takeovers
or the firm hand of the law insuring consistency?
When the populace has noted that
pretending that obvious problems don’t exist, they begin to emotionally dismiss their leadership. Heads of
government are treated like noise in the background - irrelevant. Most importantly, people begin to make their
own plans, which do
environment, government and church leaders find no amount of pleading or fanfare brings about enthusiasm or
attention from the populace, which has tuned them out. It is too late.[2/5/2012 11:13:44 AM]
ZetaTalk: Bush Administration
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Recently, the Bush Administration has gotten harsh, in their rhetoric, in their policy toward Palestinians vs. Israel
support, in their intent to take on Iraq after all these years. They have imposed trade embargoes, in essence, on steel, an
insult to their Russian partners. After providing barbecue to Putin, they pushed a mud pie in his face by announcing
that Star Wars missile tests would continue, only throwing a bone Putin's way by agreeing to reduce nuclear war heads
overall. One would think that the Bush Administration was on
Enron is so sticky close to the Bush Administration they will not scrape it away, as they are well aware.
The economy, in spite of loud nightly news casts pronouncing a short recession on the wan, is floundering, as
the little man knows looking about him and at his paycheck. To help shore up the US economy, trade embargoes
will be put into place, an isolationist practice that comes naturally to the Bush Administration. This is another
stop gap attempt to keep the inevitable from happening, a total economic crash, but will only go so far.
The countries of the world are becoming desperate, so to keep those countries that might attempt to make a plea,
a demand, or even threaten the US in some way to force a giving hand, the US is saber rattling with nuclear tests
and missile tests. This is to keep
or sharing precious resources such as food stuffs.
The starving of the world are only fed when it is
Afghanistan. Here stick babies lying along the trails were in the news, so some meals were sent in. Of course,
this starvation had been going on and will
The War on Terrorism is a loss, Bin Laden not only not dead but his network hardly damaged, as renewed
activity on the terrorists part will soon reveal.
European allies are disgusted with the rhetoric against Iraq, so long left in place by the senior Bush President
when Iraq could have been cleaned up at the time of the Gulf War. Allies will fail, increasingly, to cooperate
with a US gone insane, in their view.[2/5/2012 11:13:45 AM]
ZetaTalk: Other Explanations
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Extremes in weather or periodic disasters are tolerated by the public when they can see that history is repeating itself.
Being part of history, they can also anticipate good times to return. So much of life is taken as something one must
bear, can do nothing about, and where grieving afterwards or bracing preparations are done, the fact that such disasters
insects devouring crops are known to occur. But when weather patterns change, steadily, bringing deluges and
- alarm sets in.
The debate over global warming is confusing to the populace, as if this were truly the
are always expected to lag behind corrections, years and perhaps decades of time required for the trends to turn about
and return to normal, and every day or month allowed to pass while the problem
intolerable. Yet the US government waves its hand dismissively at the Kyoto Agreement and states that