ZetaTalk: Repressive Regimes
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When it becomes apparent to the hands of power in countries currently ruling with repression that violent earth
changes are close at hand, they will do
safe places for themselves, they will also
The regimes likely to take these steps, and their responses and reasons for taking these steps, vary:
Indonesia has been much in the news in past years for its severe repression, to the point of brutal slaughter, of its
populace. East Timor has only recently won the right as a country,
the hands of the Indonesian military. The rules of war, where a country to be invaded is treated as a combatant
and civilians treated under different rules than combatants were not even considered. Genocide, of the weak and
becomes evident that Earth changes in keeping with our predictions are eminent? The wealthy and powerful will
have already lined up an escape to safer lands, or will already be there. As we have predicted this will be toward
Australia, to the degree that this country allows such immigration, and in that Australia is already putting up
blocks to immigration by the common man, it can be expected that a quid pro quo will be asked of the
Indonesian elite - you may enter, but only if you
Indonesia, the populace will be
create as massive a dieoff as possible, so that survivors do not go afloat in boats and land on the shores of
Australia as flotsam, afterwards. Soldiers unaware of what is coming can be expected to comply with these
orders, but when it becomes apparent, such as during the rotation stoppage, that
they will leave their posts and join the masses seeking escape of some kind.
Currently under the brutal dictatorship of Saddam Hussain, well known for his tendencies to allow his entire
populace to suffer under starvation and preventable health problems in order to play cards that would lift his
stature even an inch, Iraq can expect more of the same as the time of the shift approaches. In that Iraq is
landlocked, no
Saddam will gauge his chances as the time gets near, and seeing the discombobulation in the leadership of other
countries, will attempt, we predict, to
neighboring countries. He is unlikely to move his palace, or migrate elsewhere where he personally would be
more vulnerable. When the shift hits, he like others will be stunned at the extent of damage, and being unable to
feed his militia, will find himself hiding, in his own country, pretending to be a commoner, and fearing
discovery by the majority of his populace, who would relish the opportunity for vengeance.
Noted for its brutal repression of democratic sentiment during the Pinochet era, where citizens were kidnapped
and tortured for the mere offense of
Chile has not made much progress in the intervening years. The military, the guilty, are still protected, forgiven
by a court system in sympathy with past oppression and new governance fearful of a return to these times when
the strong arm ruled without restraint. Many Nazi escaped to South America when WW II turned the tide for
them, and this tenor of elitism still reigns in the halls of power in there, though not openly expressed. One can
see the role Chile will play in Margaret Thacher’s forgiveness of Pinochet when he was captured while in
Europe for heath care. As we have mentioned, the elite in Britain plan to vacate their country, going to Australia,
prior to the shift, but a card that might be played is an exodus to Chile, and thus she was carefully retaining her
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ZetaTalk: Repressive Regimes
options. These countries will find bridges and transportation broken utterly, after the shift, all on foot or
horseback and not able to travel far. Thus, the elite will soon find themselves starving, but unable to raid more
than the immediate area. This will create infighting, as we have described, with the strong and brutal toying with
and eliminating those who
imprisonment for defying orders likewise meaningless. Thus, these pockets of elitism will become decimated,
going the way of thugs locked into interaction with each other, usually a short and brutal existence.
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