[2/5/2012 11:13:55 AM]

ZetaTalk: Alerted Populace

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ZetaTalk: Alerted Populace

Note: written Dec 15, 2000

In that amateur astronomers will be able to discern, some weeks before the passage, that the 12th Planet seen visibly in

the skies as a redish cross is not either a fading nova or an aberation of filtered lights in the atmosphere (caused by

volcanic ash or upper atmosphere weather extremes or whatever other excuse the establishment may float out to the

populace), how will the establishment react to a populace armed with the truth? Silence, which is the mode of choice

when a lie can be challenged. Look to the past, when the US government was questioned on the death of JFK, for

instance. Few individuals looking at the facts believed that a single bullet did all the damage claimed, or that a single

individual was involved, but the formal pronouncement by the government stands today as the explanation - Oswald as

a single shooter and a single bullet making contortions and emerging almost intact! The lies put forth during Iran

Contra were only shown as lies because of a break in the armor, but if such a break does not occur, then the lie stands

as the only explanation the public gets.

Those who piece together the puzzle themselves, and share this information with others, will not be allowed media

attention or even be allowed to make extensive phone calls if they are too aggressive in trying to reach others with the

truth. Thus, spreading the word will be limited to an arms reach, spread from person to person as time and access to

contacting others allows. As anyone noting how fact information can spread on the Internet knows, this person to

person contact can be like a wildfire, but unless an announcement is make on major media, most of the populace will

not believe it. In addition, any story that threatens to create a panic, or a demand that official inform the public or

provide a solution to the anticipated problems of homelessness and starvation, will be countered. Disinformation will

rise in proportion to the spread of facts and truth. Discrediting the source is a time honored method of keeping the

public confused and in the dark. Only those who think the facts through, and have a questioning mind to begin with,

will discern the truth.

All rights reserved: [email protected][2/5/2012 11:13:55 AM]

ZetaTalk: France Riots

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ZetaTalk: France Riots

written Nov 9, 2005

Do the zetas have any insight on the France riots? Is this another preview for what will be happening all

over the world in the aftertime or perhaps even before the cataclysm?

We have stated since the start of ZetaTalk that as the cataclysms approached there would be crop shortages due to

erratic weather and a worldwide economic depression. This is in place today, though denied in the media. The wealthy

elite shore up the markets, the media parrots whatever statistics they are given, and the world is told that all is well.

The common man, of course, knows otherwise. They lose their jobs, are faced with inflation eating into their buying

power, find the issues imperative to their survival such as health insurance or housing or the ability to go to bed

without a gnawing hunger night after night ignored by those in power. Instead, there is news of increasing desire on the

part of those in power to take away freedoms, to consider any protest an excuse to impose martial law. So the pot is

not only about to boil because of frustration, the lid is capped tight due to the heavy hand, and all this leads to


This is the great fear of the elite, that the masses will start to riot and refuse to be compliant, refuse to quietly go to

their jobs like robots. For all their preparations to enclose themselves into enclaves, well supplied and well guarded,

they do not wish to do this early. They wish to have their current lifestyles up until the last weeks, and do not want to

show their hands until that time. Riots push their plans into the open, forcing them to show their hand. Why would

riots emerge in France, as a leading country in this regard? France is not only tolerant of immigrants seeking jobs, it is

also tolerant of public expression, rioting included. This is not to say that live is worse in France, as it most certainly is not worse there than elsewhere. This is to say that the heavy hand of repression is not as heavy there, thus the lid

blows off the pot sooner than in those places around the world where more boiling and stewing will occur before the

lid blows off, with a larger explosion.

What does this bode, for the world? Obviously, as insurance companies go belly up, as disasters increase, as

emergency services are stretched beyond being able to respond to calls for help, tensions everywhere will increase. As

corporations are unable to continue in the economic climate, go bankrupt, layoff employees, and default on their

pensions, tensions will increase. Governments will print money to support their functions, going the way of banana

republics on the slow slide into default, but governments can only do so much in the face of these stresses. Can a

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