faced with all those egos out there being taken down a notch! Better to keep mum, at least for the time being.

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ZetaTalk: Just a Dream

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ZetaTalk: Just a Dream

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

Dreams are one of the avenues whereby the depth of the brain and the heart, in resonance, speak to the conscious. We,

and other aliens, are under stricture not to present ourselves to humans in such as way as to be inviolate. Yes and no,

we are surely there. In this way those humans uncomfortable with our presence can assure themselves this is not the

case. Yet those who are eager for our presence can reassure themselves that they are not, as you might say, dreaming.

Yet as eager as those wanting full contact are, they are unaware of how very jolting this will be, even for the initiated.

Some humans, forced to adjust too rapidly, would go mad.

Many contactees recall their visitations as a dream, as the recall starts during a semi-sleep state, during that time when one is just dropping off to sleep or waking up. However, there are characteristics that mark the recall as other than a

dream. The dream seems vivid, so real, and includes elements not normally in dreams such as sounds and smells.

These dreams are usually so vivid as to wake the drowsy contactee. If the contactee is comfortable with the concept of

the alien presence, they will dig further into their subconscious and unfold the story, but many simply leave the recall

in the dream status as in this way the recall is less threatening. How could it be real? It was only a dream!

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ZetaTalk: False Memory

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ZetaTalk: False Memory

Note: written on Jan 15, 1996

When visitations are recorded only in the subconscious, as all are now, there are various means by which contactees

develop recall - during meditation, while drifting in and out of sleep, under hypnosis, or due to flash connection to

some current event. Many contactees use a number of these avenues, quite naturally, and without even knowing the

proper term for the practice.

Contactees may flip through a magazine, come upon an article about visitation, complete with sketches of aliens, ships,

and procedures, and find themselves dealing with a new memory of similar circumstances. Was the memory placed

there, suggested by the article? Contactees may also find themselves day dreaming, with remarkable clarity, or waking

from dreams with a sharp sense that the drama was not just a dream, and do their best to return to these states, to meditate and uncover more of the drama. Are these just dreams, the imagination, and is the contactee just building a

fantasy? Contactees may discover scars or marks on their bodies, or experience missing time, and determine to

uncover the story by shelling out good money to a professional hypnotist. Does the hypnotist suggest scenarios to the

contactee while in a trance, and create a false memory?

The truth of these matters rests with several factors, and can never be conclusively proven. All humans create false memories for themselves, enhancing what makes them feel good about themselves and forgetting the embarrassments.

The validity of a contactee's recall should be judged, as with any memory, on the following.

The maturity and pragmatic nature of the contactee. Does this person attend responsibly to their duties, tell the

truth, and bear a healthy degree of skepticism about matters reported in the news or gossip carried by friends, or

does this person indulge in soap operas and novels, fall in love at the drop of a pin, or adamantly argue a point.

The influence of those around the contactee during the recall process. Is the contactee allowed to dredge up their

own memories, insert their own details, or are these suggested to them.

Collaborative evidence that the memories are true, such as recalled physical sensations that are appropriate for

the situation, matching scars forgotten until recall referred to them, and relatives or friends confirming times

when the contactee seemed dazed or was strangely and unexplainably missing for a period of time.

The motive of the contactee, who in most cases is dealing quietly with a personal drama and wants no publicity

or attention. Is the contactee relieved to be piecing it all together, or do they dramatize the situation to everyone

who will lend them an ear, endlessly, with a clear tendency to embellish the story with whatever might bring

them more sympathy.

Contactees who tell their story to hasten and help the Awakening are almost always characterized by their quiet

demeanor, their serious intent, and an original reluctance to draw attention to themselves.

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ZetaTalk: Drug Induced

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ZetaTalk: Drug Induced

Note: written on Feb 15, 1996

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