ZetaTalk: Over the Eons
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We, the Service-to-Others Zetas, have been involved with humans long before recorded history. Therefore let us refer
to what humans call carbon dating, the capture of carbon atoms in an organic remnant that shows the presumed age of
the remnant. The theory goes, since carbon in the natural free state in the atmosphere has such a ratio of
characteristics, and the carbon in the organic remnant has a different ratio of characteristics, then the remnant has
aged. In general this theory is correct, but in practical fact is too flawed to pinpoint with accuracy the exact
millennium, much less the exact century or decade. We will refer, therefore, to the stage of human development, as
humans understand these stages. This is to say, the human understanding is spotty. They have some of the pieces, but
not all. They are still looking for the missing link, for instance, and arguing among themselves as to whether there was
one origin, Africa, or numerous origins. There were numerous origins. Each race, and there have been six, has had a
different origin. We were involved as observers from the start. We have been around, as visitors, continuously since
that time, responding to The Call as it occurred.
The Earth has been visited by many alien groups since mankind's earliest stages, long before mankind was genetically
engineered into intelligence, its present form. The marks left on human culture are so extensive as to preclude a list.
Some of these influences are well known, in Egyptian and ancient Sumerian culture, or the Vedic writings, where
visits from the 3rd Density hominoids from the 12th Planet left their mark, and holy books such as the Bible and
Koran, a battleground between the original Service-to-Others authors and later Service-to-Self additions. Less well
known are the influences in China, where the geneticists creating China Man influenced the culture left behind. Quiet
moments in the garden, respect for wisdom and each other, and appreciation of the little things in life such as the song
of the bird, are such marks. Also little known is the American Indian culture, assumed to be self developed by the
Indians as they lived, isolated from the greater world. The Indians are not so aware of what they call shape shifting
without reason. Their myths of spirit forms met in the woods and their own flights are based on true encounters, where
they went Out-Of-Body and afterwards could not forget.
http://www.zetatalk2.com/visitatn/v07.htm[2/5/2012 11:32:07 AM]
ZetaTalk: Visitor Traces
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The Earth has been visited for eons, long before mankind walked the Earth. Your Earth is fertile and full of life, an
endless source of interest to the curious. Just as travelers on long sea voyages, or trekking long distances over
continents, were lost to their human families, just so these visitors on occasion lost their moorings. They died, and
their companions were not able to locate their remains. Dead tissue is dead tissue, and it does not speak but rather
blends into the surrounding forest or swamp, lost to those anxiously looking for a companion. Humans are aware that
their technology is not perfect, and this lack of perfection is always present. The phone may be but a fingertip away
and the ambulance can come at a moment's notice, but if one's portable phone is broken when one is dying away from
home, then one may never be found!
Most often the Bones of Visitors are not recognized for what they are, as they are thought to be remains of an animal of some sort. Remains are also usually disturbed by scavengers, eaten and dragged or thrown about so that an intact
section cannot be pieced together. Any remains that would tend to look hominoid, but not human, would frighten a
human coming upon them, and these types of situations tend to result in active denial. The remains are left where they
are found, and even if documented and pressed upon colleagues, denial prevents them from being taken seriously. If
for no other reason, denial occurs because the researchers have difficulty realizing they are not alone, not the first or most intelligent conscious species in the Universe, not the masters of all they survey. One looks the other way, walks
away, and then forgets to mention the find in their report.
Skulls of hominoid visitors, as well as intact skeletons of non-hominoid visitors, have been recovered by human
researchers and documented. These discoveries never make the press, as the media find them too disturbing. There are
solemn moments, hushed silences when no word is spoken. Then someone mentions that the public might be disturbed,
might faint or attack the media with claims of fraud. The decision is make to wait a bit, for some time in the future
when folks seem better prepared for such matters. If the bones of visitors were simply odd skeletal structures, they
could be displayed as an example of an extinct animal, and at times this is just what they