ZetaTalk: ZetaTalk

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ZetaTalk: ZetaTalk

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

We, the Zetas, are using a different form of communication with our emissary Nancy than was done, for instance, in

the channeling for the book Visitors from Within. Nancy has been willingly modified with Zetan genetic material

inserted directly into her brain. This allows her to be more receptive to our telepathic voice. This has in no way

changed Nancy from her otherwise normal human form. She is as before. However, she has additional talents,

heretofore not a part of her talent spread.

The mix of Zetas involved in our communications alters from one communication to another. The tone of the

conversation changes because of this. The Zetas chosen to communicate are chosen based on their familiarity with the

intended audience or any hidden agendas inherent in the audience. This too affects the tone of the response. It is our

desire to increase the effectiveness of our communications with humans, as in the times ahead this will become

increasingly important. We hope this desire is matched by our readers. In our communications through human

telepaths we of course have what you humans call a learning curve. Our starting position and ending point might differ

from what humans would consider these points, but the curve exists, nonetheless. In addition, we are observing the

reactions to our words. Like any well intentioned communicator, we move in the direction of most reaction. If our

words are stiff, humans perceived us to be cold and unfeeling. When we jive it up a bit, suddenly we become warmer.

There is another issue, that of adjusting the content to appeal to the humans we wish to engage, mentally. Any author

or journalist is familiar with the concept. If one writes a book for all people in all seasons, the book may not sell at all!

Therefore, one must select the audience, and play to it. Our audience is the Service-to-Others humans. Frankly, the

Service-to-Self oriented will scarcely read, except as they may desire to poke holes in the message. So we are noting

which of our words connect in the desired way with those strongly in the Service-to-Others orientation. We are noting

which of our words get the intended message across.

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http://www.zetatalk2.com/visitatn/v14.htm[2/5/2012 11:32:03 AM]

ZetaTalk: Advance Warning

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ZetaTalk: Advance Warning

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

In almost all cases the reason for a meeting has been explained to a contactee ahead of time. This is to everyone's

advantage. The contactee has time to mull over the issues, and comes to the meeting prepared. Those who state

otherwise are in most cases describing meetings with entities other than ourselves, who are in the Service- to-Others

orientation. The Service-to-Self orientation does not enjoy giving humans notice, as this diminishes the fear and

intimidation that can be generated from surprise.

All rights reserved: [email protected]

http://www.zetatalk2.com/visitatn/v08.htm[2/5/2012 11:32:04 AM]

ZetaTalk: Paralyzed State

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ZetaTalk: Paralyzed State

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

The state of paralysis that many contactees report is common, and is used not only as a means of calming and

controlling potentially violent contactees but also for convenience. The paralyzed state is very relaxing, and leaves no

harmful trace. During travel between the Earth and a space ship, through walls, and at rapid speeds, humans often

prefer to be paralyzed. In fact, this is a frequent request of the constant contactee, as they find they can rest, and, as you say, leave the driving to us. What is going on in the state of paralysis? At times the mind is aware, at times as

though in a deep sleep. Some contactees report they can break out of the paralysis, with a shout or by force of will.

The mechanism used to place humans into paralysis is simple, and does not involve our technologies or manipulation

of densities. We are utilizing an existing human physiology, something akin to the frozen state that possums take when

frightened. Why is it that humans never play possum when we or other aliens aren't around to induce this? Because

this facility is deep within the reptilian brain, and not connected to the middle brain or frontal lobes. Humans

voluntarily cannot reach this spot. But if one knows where it is, and knows what buttons to push, then presto!

Note: below added during the August 10, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

Paralysis during contact has often been reported by those recalling their visits. If a contactee is anxious, fearful, likely to thrash about and injure themselves or their visitors, they are paralyzed. This is not painful, in fact is very restful, and is never resented. However, it can create confusion if not understood, when a rapid return to their pre-visit

surroundings occurs.

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