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Contactees sometimes report that their visitors seem wary or almost frightened of them. Well, of
the human as much as the visitor. Large males are frequently paralyzed early in the visitation process, to avoid the
physical chaos that results from flying fists, swinging arms, and flung objects. As blind rage is triggered by the fear
response, those contactees dealing with intense fear will see their fear[2/5/2012 11:32:20 AM]
ZetaTalk: Ensnared Forever
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In human society initiation or inclusion rites frequently bound the onset of a special status, such as baptism, marriage, military induction, public service, or entry into a profession or trade. The human so bounded knows when this status
begins, as do others. Likewise, the termination of a status is bounded by termination or exclusion rites, such as a
funeral, divorce, discharge, termination notice, or ban. These rites cover every aspect of life, so that church, state,
school, relatives, employers, and even activities undertaken just for fun are marked by official pronouncements,
certificates, cards to slip into the wallet, assigned numbers, and sometimes little caps and pins and the like. This is all to help people relate. Are you one of them? Ah, I see you are. Am I sure you're qualified to practice medicine? Ah, I
see you are.
But contactees, and those contactees who refer to themselves as abductees, have had
control of the human giving The Call, the contacts can end as quickly as they started. Just announce your change of
heart. Just state your desire to make it a wrap. Just say no. It's as simple as that. Whether the contact has been, at your request, from the Service-to-Self or from the Service-to-Others, the results are the same. You are no longer a
contactee.[2/5/2012 11:32:21 AM]
ZetaTalk: Mixed Feelings
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Often reported by some contact therapists and dramatized in the media is the frightened contactee, who in all cases
changed their minds, and can they back out at the last minute? As we have stated elsewhere, a human who gives The
Call can end a visitation at any point.
What is occurring is mixed feelings, a very common and almost everyday situation for most humans. Look to the
moment when a young person is about to lose their virginity, or ask for another's hand in marriage, or begin an
important job interview, or go off the high dive for the first time, or eat fish eggs or snails for the first time, or go to the dentist for the yearly checkup, or find the onset of labor with the wanted child beginning, or sign on the dotted line to purchase a car, or get on an airplane once again, or invite the in-laws over for dinner, or get their hair cut radically short - are these not moments exhibiting mixed feelings? Some would-be contactees flirt with contact, reaching out,
hoping for contact, but draw back. They wish to be in contact, but put a toe in the water and jerk it right back out. Of
course it’s upsetting. Of course they can’t anticipate what they are going to encounter. But they won’t be destroyed.
They will come back whole. The worst that can happen is that they will have some new concepts.
Contactees exhibiting fear of contact are
chatting with aliens, a presence those in authority have refused to even acknowledge. They are going off with
strangers, something their mother told them never to do. They are going in alone, and for many humans, who wouldn't
even venture to the local bar without companions, this in and of itself is a big step. They are anticipating mild physical discomfort, if they are a volunteer in the hybrid program. And they may have requested frank information on the
Transformation but be anticipating, correctly, that this will not be sugar coated. All very understandable - just mixed
feelings.[2/5/2012 11:32:21 AM]
ZetaTalk: Contact with Children
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Those who are alarmed by the trends the Transformation is taking are particularly alarmed about what they term the
abduction of children. Beyond the apprehension that something wretched might be happening to a vulnerable and
impressionable child is a very different alarm - that we are getting them young and there is no way they can stop it.