ZetaTalk: Betty Hill
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An early and significant visitation was one familiar to the populace, known as the Betty and Barney Hill incident. This
made the headlines before the alien presence became an increasing threat to the establishment, and thus was reported
as relayed by the contactee, and not as wished by the spin doctors. Thus, what was reported stands as true facts and not
a distortion.
This couple was chosen specifically for this contact, which we in the Service-to-Others orientation anticipated would
get reported and reported faithfully. Such was the nature of Betty Hill, that she would be able to put aside her emotions and shock, and register details. She did not disappoint those who were counting on her. Secondarily, the couple was
chosen because they had a racially mixed marriage, and we wished to make the statement that
world trends, racial harmony, and their desire to see the future be without the discrimination that plunged like a knife
into their lives, unremittingly. This was, in truth, more Betty's agenda than Barney's, but in his heart he was in full
compliance, and the rest of him followed Betty's lead. The accurate depiction of the constellations allowed a curious
mankind to correctly identify our star system of origin. Thus, the name Zeta was ascribed to us, to which we willingly
http://www.zetatalk2.com/visitatn/v34.htm[2/5/2012 11:32:24 AM]
ZetaTalk: Betty Andreasson
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Among the true stories of visitations is the tale Betty Andreasson has told, of her life-long contact and harassment. She wrote from the perspective of one who welcomed the Awakening, and thus ran amuck of the New World Order crowd
who wished her silenced. As with Whitley Strieber, her contacts have included aliens from both orientations, but those
in the Service-to-Self lost the battle in their attempts to color her publications with fear and distrust. Both these
authors have been able to sort matters out, and are the stronger for the personal gauntlet they were forced to run.
http://www.zetatalk2.com/visitatn/v35.htm[2/5/2012 11:32:24 AM]
ZetaTalk: Triangle Sign
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Regarding if the sign of the Zeta is a triangle. It is not. Where Whitely Strieber is telling a true story, and relaying
faithfully the occurrence, the entities visiting him and the orientation of the entities are not clarified by the author. Like many in today's time, Whitely was confused as to what the entities were after, and whereof they spoke. And like many
contactees today, Whitely was visited by entities from both orientations. He failed to differentiate. All frightened him, and the insignia from one was assigned as the insignia of all. We, the Service-to-Others Zetas, have no such insignia.
In fact, we have no insignia at all, as much as this will be disbelieved by many. As we are Service-to-Other Zetas, we
are highly telepathic, and are known to each other without the need of insignia.
The triangle belongs to another alien group, of the Service-to-Self orientation. Insignias are required in these groups
because they are not given to telepathic conversations, being distracted from the primary goal, the self, with such
matters, and require insignias in order to identify their various groups.
http://www.zetatalk2.com/visitatn/v21.htm[2/5/2012 11:32:25 AM]
ZetaTalk: Saucer Shapes
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The flying saucer is the shape most associated with the alien presence, and is a term known all over the world.
Sometimes the shape appears bell like, with the dome humped up in the center. Humans who recall being ferried about
in these space ships report a cramped interior, especially if the ship is normally used by aliens of a smaller build than the average human. The rim of the space ship also seems to be unused space. What is the purpose of the saucer shape,
or is this simply an aesthetic choice?
During travel throughout the Universe, there are issues more important than appearances or esthetics. Space ships
emerge from a higher density, which allows them rapid travel at a speed exponentially higher than that which a lower
density would allow. Coming out of a higher density, the space ship and its inhabitants must expect to encounter all
manner of possibilities. Even when setting the coordinates closely, the element of the unknown is always present. The
primary gravity center may be anywhere in relationship to the ship - above, below, or even to the side. Therefore,
space flight or even local hops incorporate production of an internal gravity center so that the passengers are not tossed about. The saucer shape, or its variant, the bell shape, support the technology for production of a gravity center. It is no accident that the planets in your solar system line up in essentially the same plane. The saucer shape simulates this,