games? The
same as your games. Where the game involves mental concentration, the goal is to improve upon and practice strategic planning. Where the game involves cooperation among players, the goal is to improve social skills and cooperation.
Where the game involves close timing and precision from the team, the goal is to gain skill at delegation and rapid
hand-offs. Watch children intent at play. Are they not preparing for life?[2/5/2012 11:34:52 AM]
ZetaTalk: Literature
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To what degree do alien cultures enjoy the arts, and what form do these arts take? Obviously, whether in 3rd Density or a higher density, the art form is dependent upon the life form. Water creatures will sense motion in a different way than land creatures, as the motion will
when it represents danger or safety. Rumbling thunder and sudden loud noises are something humans associate, in
music, with danger, and lilting sounds with gentle breezes and the voice tones of humans chattering in comfortable
social settings.
In human society, much history is recorded in written form, although with the advent of the electronic age, much is
also recorded on video or audio tape. Books or manuscripts represent the thoughts of great men in the past, factual as well as fictional. Do alien life forms, such as ourselves, have an equivalent? We do indeed, but have no need to rely on a
considered cumbersome and inadequate. We use holographic forms, where all but telepathic thought is transmitted. In
these cases, the intent of the author or artist is relayed through other means, such as symbolic motion or recreating the situation described, much as humans enjoy when going to the movie theater.[2/5/2012 11:34:52 AM]
ZetaTalk: Got Religion
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Regarding religion. We have a religion. In fact, everyone does. Even those who profess not to have a religion have a religion in their protestations. When we speak of our religion, it is more of an understanding of the Universe. We are emotionally connected to the Universe. We are within the One. We have kinship with one another as parts of the One.
We have reverence for the Universe and its workings, as a thing of beauty which we wish to understand. Each soul is
in the hand of God,
thoughts for us. Each is left to his own communications, which needs
Our religion is not like the major religions of the Earth, which deify entities human in appearance. These religions, where the message given to humans was to draw them to the light, have been corrupted over time by the forces of
darkness. These religions preach against knowledge, against self initiative, against free thought. They restrain with rules which assist only those who wish to rule. Where human religions, however well founded, have invariably been
twisted by the Service-to-Self crowd until they have lost all semblance of the original intent, our faith is not so
affected. The pure adage to Love thy Neighbor as Thyself stands as the rule by which we guide ourselves, and there
are no Thou Shalt Not's included. Where human religions, having been infiltrated with the structure the Service-to-Self crowd feels comfortable with, have pomp and ceremony and severe strictures for evading the controls, we have
ceremony to express our faith.
Was it not Jesus who said, insofar as ye love the least amongst you, so ye love me, or words to that effect? Jesus was relaying a true Service-to-Other philosophy of faith, as we believe that each of us, the least included, represents a part of God, is included in God's plan, and is God's handiwork. Where we are not much clearer than you are on what God
is, this is our faith.[2/5/2012 11:34:53 AM]
ZetaTalk: Zeta Roles
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As with human society where people migrate to roles they feel most competent to hold, or most enjoy, or receive the
most praise or reward for holding - Zetas likewise gravitate to roles. In human society individuals find themselves less than free to choose their roles. Parents not infrequently start talking about their hopes for their offspring before they are out of diapers. Non-athletic children are pushed to practice, as daddy was on the Varsity or mommy always
dreamed of being a ballerina, so junior must fulfill the parent's dream. If a child is bright enough to foresee a
successful performance at university, a lucrative white color professional career looms up and overshadows any desire of the child itself. The child is not asked what he or she enjoys or desires, they are told what others expect of the child.
Sometimes these expectations are relayed in frank verbal terms, as in direct orders, but most often are relayed via body language or the not-so-subtle withdrawal of support and love. Fail to go to football practice and daddy is more
interested in reading his paper than talking to junior, and all mention of the weekend trip to Disneyland has