
and consider that the Service-to-Self orientation is immature, self limiting, and not the way to go at all. Begin to care for others, and look around you as to how you might do this, and you will not meet with such situations.

ZetaTalk: Universe Administration

There is an administrative force in the Universe, in our portion of the Universe, and it is the one we are aware of

because as far as we have ranged we have not escaped or crossed over the line to where we are under a different

administration. These are wise and massive souls who are elected by a true electoral vote of all that they

administer and separate those in Service-to-Self from the Service-to-Other. Service-to-Other entities may at

times argue with each other, but this is benign argument as all have the common good in mind, and these issues

are brought to the Council of Worlds, to these wise and massive entities for discussion and resolution. Service-

to-Self, of course, savage each other brutally and are allowed to do so in leveling wars, but since we are Service-

to-Other, we have no personal experience with this and are unable to relay to you, but it is akin to a prison

colony atmosphere and you have to be hardened Service-to-Self to go there. Very, very few do. You have to

think of yourself 95% of the time, which is a criteria that very few entities achieve. So not having experienced

that, we cannot relate.

ZetaTalk: Group Names

There are so many worlds that evolve life, each with a different life form or a variation on a life form. As we

have said in the Density section of ZetaTalk, most are water planets or water creatures, next are reptilian, bird

forms, very few hominoid, some even insect forms, depending upon what the world can sustain. If we were to

put zeros on it, we would not even be able to run the numbers from you around the Sun and back, there are so

many worlds that evolve life. Therefore, it is not a single group, or the name that someone might assign to them.

Names that you have been told by contactees, or by people claiming to be contactees, of this or that group and

what they are like, are often totally fictional or don’t relate in reality to what’s really there. So it would be

pointless for us to try to sort out what name someone might be thinking relates to that entity. There is so much

disinformation out there as to what aliens are or how they operate.

ZetaTalk: Proof of Zetas

Nancy has presented a case for ZetaTalk that is immensely popular around the world, famous around the world,

in all countries, and has done so without any finances or promotional force behind her. The reason for this is the

nature of ZetaTalk, which is compelling and people find has the ring of truth. It pulls together explanation for

many phenomena and issues that they have wondered about, found to be discordinant, contradictory

explanations given in human society. ZetaTalk pulls it together. Therefore, these are aspects that are not being[2/5/2012 11:34:29 AM]

Lou Gentile Show, 10/14/2003

considered by those who state that Nancy has not been given any proof that the Zetas are real. This is evidence

that this is not Nancy. Earlier in ZetaTalk, this is the statement most often given, she has to be a team of people, experts in the various sciences to come up with these explanations, they pull together, there is a cohesiveness,

and a single human could not do this. They found this to be proof that it was not Nancy but ourselves giving this

information. These days, she is under such attack, or people are so distressed at the message that they go into

screaming denial, that this is not much discussed. But if you will consider our words, you will find that we have given her evidence of our existence, and she has relayed this to people.

ZetaTalk: Spiritual Evolution

Even in planets that have life forms such as a fish or jelly fish or octopus, have similar spiritual situations,

dominance by those that are immature and thinking of themselves and want control over their environment at all

costs, dominance, grabbing the goods, pushing others away. Therefore, even fish cultures evolve with rules and

struggles whether to share or not. We, the Zetas, indeed experienced this, many were war like and had those who

were Mother Theresa, caring for the least of us, fear overcoming during our Awakening process where we

actually murdered those who encountered visitors from other worlds out of fear. This is something that your

society is prone to do also, which is one reason that contactees record their visits only in their subconscious at

this time, to save them from this kind of abuse in their excitement over having had contact. So it is a phenomena

that is a similar theme, to all life forms and all evolving worlds. This is why you can have Star Children, souls

come from elsewhere in the Universe and incarnating into human bodies and feel comfortable and at home and

have a footing. There is of course some adjustment but there is so much commonality that they can function.

ZetaTalk: Zeta Disclosure Project

We didn’t call it by that name but there was suppression of awareness of the visitors that were coming. But not

having a subconscious and a conscious, we were not able to force contact to be only in the

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