some type of a cure for this disease that we were expected to undergo ourselves. And the reason that J-Rod was a guest of our government at S4 is that allegedly had come back in time to warn us that these cataclysms, these

catastrophes. This is confirmation to me that what [ZetaTalk] had been saying was true. And that by warning us,

they were hopefully going to receive our help in preparing us, genetically for the period of time after the cataclysms.


This is a partial truth. What has been relayed to you, what you have relayed to the audience on the radio

here, is factual. There was such a visitor, there was such information relayed, there was such genetic

research done, but this was not ourselves or our brethren in Service-to-Other. As we have relayed

extensively in ZetaTalk, the original contact prior to Roswell was not by Service-to-Other aliens but by

Service-to-Self, the Omnipotent Krill and the like. These aliens were the ones below ground in the

Southwest where the public is restricted, who did provide space ships and allow the US Military to attempt to fly them, to attempt to reverse engineer but they never succeeded.

This business about a particular illness that will be prevalent after the cataclysm and a certain people who

will be inoculated that will survive smacks of elitism, does it not? This is not true. Illness is more

prevalent, increasing illness was one of the predictions that we made well prior to the year 2000 and has

been much on the increase. Common germs, or opportunistic germs outside of their normal environment.

Because of the stress and strain of the core swirling, the erratic weather and the double suns in the sky.

After the cataclysms things get even worse. There’s dirty water, a lack of proper food, a lack of proper

hygiene, depression, and most of the die-off that we have predicted comes not from injury or drowning

experienced during the pole shift itself, but afterwards, due to depression, malnutrition, and just a

willingness to let yourself go rather than subsist in the manner that life is presenting to you.

This is a true story, but it is a false story told by this alien. Another clue that this is a Service-to-Self alien

is the fact that it has a name. We do not assign names to ourselves. We don’t need them. We work


ZetaTalk: Density Shift

As we have described on the website in the Density section, this is a matter of increasing a vibrational level. In

order to shift to 4th Density, all atomic particles must be moving at a faster rate simultaneously. This on

occasion happens naturally, for instance in your Bermuda Triangle, under the stress of compression of particles

that are base particles. You are not even aware of what these base particles are. We have referred to them as tiny

matter in the Dark Matter discussion in the Science section of ZetaTalk, but there are filler particles that

surround all other particles, and this we get going under pressure which causes all other higher or more dense,

larger particles to begin vibrating faster due to the pressure, and it stays that way. There’s a different strata that’s achieved, and likewise, the pressure is relieved, artificially relieved, a type of vacuum created, in order to move

back. This is a natural phenomena, that creatures of higher intelligence such as ourselves, evolved spirits, have

learned to manipulate, because higher densities allow the physical to be less heavy, less difficult to work with,

and the spiritual to have more sway with the body, as we have described in ZetaTalk.

ZetaTalk: Soulless Ones

This is perhaps a way of describing Service-to-Self entities. They strive not to be empathetic. This is not that they lack a soul, they have a soul that has not matured past the infantile stage as far as the ability to share with others. Intellectually they have grown, but emotionally they are not reaching out to others and including others

in the same importance of themselves. An infant thinks only of himself. Squalls when he is hungry, is angry[2/5/2012 11:34:29 AM]

Lou Gentile Show, 10/14/2003

when he can’t have his way, and as he grows, learns to care about others. Service-to-Self, no matter how

intelligent, have not allowed that portion of themselves to develop. They reach a point where they are stalemated

unless they begin to pull themselves whole and reach back and make up for this lack of development. A soulless

one, as described in this book, is one who does not interact and does not chose to. This is a description by

somebody who has met these visitors, given the Call to them , and found them to be of this ilk.

ZetaTalk: Alien Threat

The worst threat is buried within you. We are speaking here of mankind in general. Aliens cannot come down

upon you unless you wish it, so the worst would be somebody who is giving the Service-to-Self call, and by

doing so in interacting with Service-to-Self aliens, visitors, who are allowed to toy with this person who has

given this request for such counsel in many cruel ways. In the Service-to-Self social structure, there is no limit to what one entity can do to another, for amusement, for retaliation. Sadistic, cruel treatment of one human being to

another would give you some idea of what’s allowed. They don’t have rules except that the most powerful rules

and wins, the rule of the strong. They have leveling wars where this is established. Humans who give the Call to

the Service-to-Self have put themselves in a situation where they are psychologically discussing matters, but

should they give in to the dominance that is present, and submit, basically, to the Service-to-Self aliens, other

steps can be taken. It can amount to physical abuse, but this is with the acquiescent or agreement of the human

who has given the Call. Therefore, the danger lies within YOU, and the limits to this are that if the person

requests it, and wants it, the visitor is allowed to deliver it. Thus, whether that be illness, physical disability, or distress in their possessions and the way their life is progressing. So we would tell people to look to

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