ZetaTalk: Reptilians

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995.

The term reptilian is too all-encompassing to be addressed singularly. There are many alien groups who would fit in

this category. We ourselves, the Zetas, have been described as lizards, where we do not have a genetic affinity for

what Earthlings know to be lizards at all. Our genetics are similar to humans, from the same base, and we are warm-


Reptilian alien groups are somewhat cold-blooded, which does not relate to their orientation at all. There are cold-

hearted humans, who are warm-blooded, and there are warm-hearted reptilians, who are primarily cold- blooded.

Reptilian entities that humans may encounter may be Service-to-Others or Service-to-Self. However, as the reptilian

genetics allow for less empathy, or telepathic awareness of others, which the Service-to-Self orientation finds

distracting, reptilians most often are Service-to-Self. This is a choice in incarnation. The orientation dictates the genetic nature of the incarnation choice, not the other way around, where the genetic nature dictates the orientation.

Thus, on sight, humans should not assume they are dealing with a Service-to-Self orientation when meeting a reptilian alien.

There are numerous reptilians at work in the vicinity of Earth. Some of the forms are humanoid, with arms and hands

with fingers and opposable thumbs and legs and feet with toes, eyes forward on the face, rather than facing to the side, and a bi-pedal stance. Others take the form of what you would call snakes, with some development of limbs in varying numbers. Others have forms similar to lizards, and walk on four or more legs, their bodies too stiff to allow a stance.

These alien forms can rear up to perform functions, but essentially work at the floor level. Because this places them at a disadvantage when meeting humans, they are not used by the Service-to-Self orientation in addressing humans, as

the Service-to-Self orientation uses intimidation to function.

A reptilian form familiar to humans is that termed by humans, Dino. Where not as large as the Earth's dinosaurs, this reptilian looks like a miniature Tyrannosaurus Rex. This form is used by the Service-to- Self orientation in encounters with humans, as intimidation is supported not only by the imposing form, which stands at least as tall as the average human, but by educated humankind's awareness of the fierceness of a similar dinosaur in Earth's past.

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ZetaTalk: Orion

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ZetaTalk: Orion

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

As with all groups, the aliens from Orion are of mixed orientations. There simply has not been a case where a planet coming from 3rd Density has chosen only one orientation or the other. Orion was no different, and thus there are

entities from this constellation visiting Earth who are of both orientations. As we have stated earlier, when receiving a visitation, one must look to The Call they have given and the behavior of the visitors. In this way one can determine the orientation they are dealing with. Orion received bad press early on because of a much trumpeted visit to the

United States government. The pendulant noses of the entities from Orion are a signal identifier. This initial visit was from an entity solidly in the Service-to-Self orientation, and henceforth any entities from Orion of the Service-to-Others orientation are having a rough go of it. They have taken to assuming duties that do not require contact with

humans, as overcoming the bad press otherwise consumes all their time.

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ZetaTalk: Praying Mantis

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ZetaTalk: Praying Mantis

Note: written Sep 15, 1995.

An alien form early reported is the Praying Mantis - large, dark, and, to humans, insect like. They have no

physiological similarity to the insects of Earth, however, and in fact are a form of hominoid - mammalian. The Praying Mantis are one of hundreds of alien groups involved in the Earth's Transformation, but they are few in number. They

possess remarkable telepathic abilities, surpassing that of ourselves, the Zetas. The Praying Mantis visiting Earth at this time are all in the Service-to-Other orientation.

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ZetaTalk: Cat People

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ZetaTalk: Cat People

Note: written May 15, 1996.

Humans think of hominoids as bipedal and hairless - the naked ape. Hominoid forms evolve naturally on many worlds,

and just as the proto-hominoid on Earth was a hairy ape, the proto-hominoid elsewhere can take many forms. Due to

the genetic engineering that takes place, grafting genetics from existing hominoid stock, the hominoid visitors that humans have encountered look similar to humans in the main, and thus have given the erroneous impression that this

is the hominoid form. The naked ape is but one variation of the hominoid form. What is termed the Praying Mantis is a hominoid, and what many contactees take to be the insect forms of their visitors are almost invariably hominoid.

There are alien hominoids that look like monkeys or apes to humans and a variation on this form is a furry hominoid

humans take to be a bipedal cat.

Humans have whiskers, but not the stiff sensing kind that rodents and their pet cats and dogs possess, so seeing

whiskers on the delicate face of a fuzzy visitor has caused them to assume these visitors to be cat people. Get used to it, Homo Sapiens, there are stranger hominoid forms yet!

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