29 For an excellent and succinct interpretation of Talleyrand’s views and role in 1814, see Philip Dwyer, Talleyrand, Harlow, 2002, pp. 124–40. For Napoleon’s movements and the Council of Regency, Houssaye, Napoleon, pp. 317–70.
30 Count A. de Nesselrode (ed.), Lettres et papiers du Chancelier Comte du Nesselrode 1760–1850, Paris, n.d., vol. 5, pp. 183–4, 28 March 1814.
31 Lowenstern, Memoires, vol. 2, p. 376. I. Burskii, Istoriia 8-go gusarskago Lubenskago polka, Odessa, 1913, pp. 115–17. I. Radozhitskii, Pokhodnyia zapiski artillerista s 1812 po 1816 god, 3 vols., Moscow, 1835, vol. 3, pp. 109–10.
32 Mikhailovskii-Danilevskii, Opisanie 1814, p. 327.
33 There is a detailed narrative of the battle in Bogdanovich, Istoriia…1814, vol. 1, pp. 506–60, and Friederich, Feldzug, pp. 301–10.
34 Bogdanovich, Istoriia…1814, vol. 1, pp. 534–7. Eugen, Memoiren, vol. 3, pp. 278–90.
35 Langeron, Memoires, pp. 465–73.
36 See e.g. his orders to Langeron: RGVIA, Fond 846, Opis 16, Delo 3399, fo. 160ii, 16 March 1814 (OS), and his plea to Wrede, in Mikhailovskii-Danilevskii, Opisanie 1814, p. 324. M. F. Orlov, ‘Kapitulatsiia Parizha 1814 g.’, VS, 37/6, 1864, pp. 287–309.
37 See e.g. Castlereagh’s comment to the Prince Regent that the Russian Guards were ‘the most splendid that can be imagined’: Castlereagh, vol. 9, 30 Jan. 1814, pp. 210–12.
38 Burghersh, Operations, pp. 250–52. Baron de Vitrolles, Memoires et relations politiques, 3 vols., Paris, 1884, vol. 1, p. 316.
39 Orlov, ‘Kapitulatsiia’, p. 300. Vitrolles, Memoires, vol. 1, pp. 311–12.
40 On Talleyrand, see n. 29 above. J. Hanoteau (ed.), Memoires du General de Caulaincourt, Duc de Vicenze, 3 vols., Paris, 1933, vol. 3, pp. 207–30. Houssaye, Napoleon, pp. 470–99. For Talleyrand’s own account of these days, see Memoires du Prince de Talleyrand, Paris, 1891, pp. 156–67.
41 All the key documents of these days are reproduced between pp. 403 and 416 of SIRIO, 31, 1881: these include the various allied declarations, senatorial resolutions, Marmont’s statements and a short commentary by Nesselrode.
42 For Alexander’s letter to Louis XVIII of 17 April, see SIRIO, 31, 1881, pp. 411– 12. Castlereagh, vol. 9, pp. 450–51, reproduces Charles Stewart’s letter to Bathurst of 7 April denouncing the offer of Elba but there is no mention of his brother’s letter to Bathurst of 13 April: this is published as no. 4, pp. 420–3, in Baron Fain, Manuscrit de Mil Huit Cent Quatorze, Paris, 1825. Since there is nothing that is implausible in the content of the letter and no reason to think that Fain invented it, the likeliest interpretation is that it was not included in the collection by Lord Londonderry because he did not think it reflected well on his brother. He does include many other letters to Bathurst. In Castlereagh’s defence, he was seeking to sustain a fait accompli created by others.
43 Schwarzenberg, Schwarzenberg, p. 337.
44 Lowenstern, Memoires, vol. 2, pp. 342, 419–23. A. Zaitsev, Vospominaniia o pokhodakh 1812 goda, Moscow, 1853, pp. 29–34. P. Nazarov, ‘Zapiski soldata Pamfila Nazarova’, RS, 9/8, 1878, pp. 539–40. RGVIA, Fond 846, Opis 16, Delo 3399, fo. 172ii, Volkonsky to Barclay, 2 April 1814 (OS), on the immediate departure of the irregular cavalry. Radozhitskii, Pokhodnyia zapiski, vol. 3, pp. 236–7, on the tremendous reception given to the returning Russian troops in Silesia, thanks partly to the king, who had given 3 million talers for parties and meals in their honour. Dnevnik Pavla Pushchina, Leningrad, 1987, pp. 166–73, on the Guards’ journey home.
For abbreviations, see list on 'Notes' Section.
1. Rossiiskii gosudarstvennyi voenno-istoricheskii arkhiv:
Fond 1: Chancellery of the War Ministry
Fond 46: A. S. Kologrivov
Fond 103: M. B. Barclay de Tolly
Fond 125: D. I. Lobanov-Rostovsky/Reserve Army
Fond 140: M. G. Titov
Fond 474: Otechestvennaia voina 1812g + kampaniia 1813 i 1814 gg. (campaigns of 1812–14)
Fond 489: Formuliarnye spiski (personnel records)
Fond 846: Military Scientific Archive (voenno-uchenyi)
Fond 9194: L. L. Bennigsen/Army of Poland
2. British Library
Lieven papers: Additional Manuscripts 47410, 47424, 47427
Published Documents
Akty, dokumenty i materialy dlia istorii 1812 goda, ed. K. Voenskii, 2 vols., SPB, 1910–11.
‘Apercu des transactions politiques du Cabinet de Russie’, Sbornik imperatorskago russkago istoricheskago obshchestva, 31, 1881.
Arkhiv grafov Mordvinovykh, ed. V. A. Bilbasov, SPB, 1902, vol. 4.
Das Befreiungsjahr 1813: Aus den Geheimen Staatsarchivs, ed. J. von Pflugk- Harttung, Berlin, 1913.
Borodino: Dokumental’naia khronika, ed. A. M. Val’kovich and A. P. Kapitonov, Moscow, 2004.
Briefwechsel Konig Friedrich Wilhelm III’s und der Konigin Luise mit Kaiser Alexander I, ed: P. Bailleu, Leipzig, 1900.
‘Bumagi A. I. Chernysheva za tsarstvovanie Imperatora Aleksandra Igo’, Sbornik imperatorskago russkago istoricheskago obshchestva, 121, 1906.
Bumagi otnosiashchiasia do otechestvennoi voiny 1812 goda, ed. P. I. Shchukin, 10 vols., Moscow, 1897–1908.
Chuikevich, P. A., ‘Analiticheskii proekt voennykh deistvii v 1812 P. A. Chuikevicha’, Rossiiskii Arkhiv, 7, 1996.
Correspondance de l’Empereur Alexandre Ier avec sa s?ur la Grande Duchesse Catherine 1805–1818, ed. Grand Duke Nicolas, SPB, 1910.
Correspondance de Napoleon Ier, 32 vols., Paris, 1858–70.
Correspondence, Despatches and Other Papers of Viscount Castlereagh, ed. Marquess of Londonderry, vol. 9, London, 1853.
Fel’dmarshal Kutuzov: Dokumenty, dnevniki, vospominaniia, ed. Iu. N. Gulaev and V. T. Soglaev, 2 vols., Moscow, 1995.