Dripping Water

(co-made with Joyce Wieland). 1969. 16mm; 10 1/2 minutes; black and white; sound (CFDC, FMC).

One Second in Montreal

. 1969. 16mm; 26 minutes (17 minutes, if projected at sound speed); black and white; silent (CC, CFDC, FMC, LFC, MoMA).

Side Seat Paintings Slides Sound Film

. 1970. 16mm; 20 minutes; color; sound (CFDC, FMC, LFC).

La Region Centrale

. 1971. 16mm; 190 minutes; color; sound (CC, CFDC, FMC, LFC, MoMA).

Two Sides to Every Story

. 1974. 16mm film installation, using two 8-minute loops

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projected on opposite sides of the same screen, simultaneously; color; sound (owned by the National Art Gallery of Canada).


Rameau's Nephew' by Diderot (Thanx to Dennis Young) by Wilma Schoen

. 1974. 16mm; 267 minutes; color; sound (CFDC, FMC).


(a.k.a. 'Table Top Dolly'). 1972. 1976. 16mm; 15 minutes; color; sound (CC, CFDC, FMC, LFC, MoMA).


. 1980. 16mm; 98 minutes; color; sound (CC, CFDC, FMC, LFC).

So Is This

. 1982. 16mm; 47 1/2 minutes; color; silent (CC, CFDC, FMC, LFC).

Seated Figures

. 1988. 16mm; 40 minutes; color; sound (CFDC, FMC).

See You Later/Au Revoir

. 1990. 16mm; 18 minutes; color; sound (CC, CFDC, FMC).

To Lavoisier, Who Died in the Reign of Terror

. 1991. 16mm; 53 minutes; color; sound (CFDC, FMC).

Trinh T. Minh-ha

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