Kardish, Larry.

Of Light and Texture: Andrew Noren and James Herbert

. A catalogue for a retrospective of the two filmmakers. New York: Museum of Modern Art, 1981.

Mekas, Jonas. 'On Andrew Noren, the Master of Texture.' In

Movie Journal,

by Mekas, pp. 369371. New York: Collier Books, 1972.

Yoko Ono

As one of the world's most visible personalities, Ono has been interviewed many times about a wide variety of projects and about John Lennon. This listing focuses on her film work only.

Hanhardt, John, and Barbara Haskell.

Yoko Ono: Objects, Films

. A catalogue for a show of films and objects at the Whitney Museum, Spring 1989. New York: Whitney Museum of American Art, 1989.

Hendricks, Jon.

Fluxus Codex

. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1988, pp. 415426.

Mekas, Jonas. 'Films of Yoko Ono and John Lennon.' In Movie Journal, by Mekas, pp. 411ndash;413. New York: Collier, 1972.

Ono, Yoko. Filmscripts. In Scott MacDonald, 'Yoko Ono: Ideas on Film (Interview/Scripts),'

Film Quarterly

43, no. 1 (Fall 1989): 1621.



. Tokyo: Wunternaum Press, 1964. Reprinted, New York: Simon & Schuster, 1964, 1970. A paperback edition was published by Simon & Schuster/Touchstone in 1971.


Museum of Modern FArt: Yoko OnoOne Woman Show

. A catalogue for an installation at the Museum of Modern Art, Dec. 115, 1971. New York: Yoko Ono, 1972.

. 'Yoko Ono' (interview). In

The Guests Go In to Supper: John Cage, Robert Ashley, Yoko Ono, Laurie Anderson, Charles Admirkhanian, Michael Pepper, K. Atchley,

ed. Melody Sumner, Kathleen Butch, Michael Sumner, pp. 169213. Oakland, Calif.: Burning Books, 1986.

. 'Yoko Ono on Yoko Ono.'

Film Culture,

no. 4849 (Winter-Spring 1970): 3233.

Page 444

Ono, Yoko, and John Lennon. 'John Lennon, Yoko Ono: Our Films.'

Filmmakers Newsletter,

no. 6 (June 1973): 2527.

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