shag: co-terminous with ‘fuck’ in most variations

slag: a woman of loose reputation; a woman who will reputedly sleep with pretty much anyone. QV ‘slapper’

slapper: QV ‘slag’

slebs: celebrities

spanner, as in ‘throwing a spanner into the works’: doing something that interferes with the smooth running of things

sprog: child

stop, as in ‘he’s going to stop here’: stay

a straight lift from a Catherine Tate Show sketch: something lifted from the sketch comedy of British comedian Catherine Tate. In one recurrent sketch, there is a couple whose catchphrase is, ‘What are you like?’ ‘Mental!’ It usually refers to a pretty commonplace action, the joke is that the couple are acting like they’re special and extraordinary when they’re really very mundane

tenners: ten-pound bills

thick: stupid

tiles, as in ‘on the tiles’: QV ‘on the lash

tod, as in ‘on her tod’: alone

toff: aristocrat or pretentious person

toss, as in ‘give a toss’: give a damn

tosser: term of contempt for a male. Also, ‘tosspot’. In terms of derivation, probably ‘jerk-off’ is the closest you’ll get in American English

WAGs: wives and girlfriends (of famous people). Generally of sports personalities, particularly footballers

wet Wednesday in Wetherby: a generic Yorkshire expression meaning a pretty miserable experience

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