ship with them were Olaf Kettle’s son of Elda, and Bard the

Black. They got so strong a wind from the north that they were

driven south into the main; and so thick a mist came over them

that they could not tell whither they were driving, and they were

out a long while. At last they came to where was a great ground

sea, and thought then they must be near land. So then Njal’s

sons asked Bard if he could tell at all to what land they were

likely to be nearest.

“Many lands there are,” said he, “which we might hit with the

weather we have had — the Orkneys, or Scotland, or Ireland.”

Two nights after, they saw land on both boards, and a great

surf running up in the firth. They cast anchor outside the

breakers, and the wind began to fall; and next morning it was

calm. Then they see thirteen ships coming out to them.

Then Bard spoke and said, “What counsel shall we take now, for

these men are going to make an onslaught on us?”

So they took counsel whether they should defend themselves or

yield, but before they could make up their minds, the Vikings

were upon them. Then each side asked the other their names, and

what their leaders were called. So the leaders of the chapmen

told their names, and asked back who led that host. One called

himself Gritgard, and the other Snowcolf, sons of Moldan of

Duncansby in Scotland, kinsmen of Malcolm the Scot king.

“And now,” says Gritgard, “we have laid down two choices, one

that ye go on shore, and we will take your goods; the other is,

that we fall on you and slay every man that we can catch.”

“The will of the chapmen,” answers Helgi, “is to defend


But the chapmen called out, “Wretch that thou art to speak thus!

What defence can we make? Lading is less than life.”

But Grim, he fell upon a plan to shout out to the Vikings, and

would not let them hear the bad choice of the chapmen.

Then Bard and Olaf said, “Think ye not that these Icelanders will

make game of you sluggards; take rather your weapons and guard

your goods.”

So they all seized their weapons, and bound themselves, one with

another, never to give up so long as they had strength to fight.


Then the Vikings shot at them and the fight began, and the

chapmen guard themselves well. Snowcolf sprang aboard and at

Olaf, and thrust his spear through his body, but Grim thrust at

Snowcolf with his spear, and so stoutly, that he fell overboard.

Then Helgi turned to meet Grim, and they two drove down all the

Vikings as they tried to board, and Njal’s sons were ever where

there was most need. Then the Vikings called out to the chapmen

and bade them give up, but they said they would never yield.

Just then some one looked seaward, and there they see ships

coming from the south round the Ness, and they were not fewer

than ten, and they row hard and steer thitherwards. Along their

sides were shield on shield, but on that ship that came first

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