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Woolf, Amy F.
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Zlotnik, Marc. “Yeltsin and Gorbachev.”
Other Sources
Current Digest of Soviet Press. www.eastview.com/Online/SlavicProducts/CDPSP.aspx.
Documentary on the fall of the Soviet Union. www.youtube.com/watch?v-j-2kx549MfO.
Afanasyev, Viktor
Afanasyev, Yury
Akhromeyev, Sergey
Alimzhanov, Anuarbek
Alksnis, Viktor
Alma-Ata agreements.
Andropov, Yury
Archives of the General Secretary. See Stalin Archives
Arledge, Roone
August coup
aftermath of
and conspiracy
and conspirators, fate of
failure of
media coverage of
and nuclear suitcase
Aushev, Ruslan
Bakatin, Vadim
Baker, James
and August coup
and Yeltsin
Baklanov, Oleg
Baltic republics.
Belovezh agreement
Belyaev, Igor
Belyakov, Yury
Bessmertnykh, Alexander
Boldin, Valery
and August coup
and Gorbachev, attempts to discredit
and Stalin Archives
and Yeltsin, resignation of, from Politburo
Bonner, Yelena
Borodin, Leonid
Bovin, Alexander
Braithwaite, Rodric
Brakov, Yury
Brezhnev, Galina
Brezhnev, Leonid
Burbulis, Gennady
and Belovezh agreement
Burlatsky Fyodor
Bush, Barbara
Bush, George H. W.
and August coup
and “Chicken Kiev” speech
and Gorbachev
and Gorbachev, and August coup
and Gorbachev, friendship between
and Gorbachev, power loss of
and Gorbachev, praise for
and Gorbachev, resignation speech of
and Gorbachev, and United States as Cold War victor
and Gorbacheva
in Moscow
and nuclear weapons
and Soviet Union, collapse of
and three-state union
and Ukraine
and United States as Cold War victor
and Yeltsin
and Yeltsin, and August coup