Kuznetsov, Alexander

Latvia. See also Baltic republics


criminality of

spouses of

Lebed, Alexander

Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich

Leontiyev, Alexander

Ligachev, Yegor

and Yeltsin

and Yeltsin, resignation of, from Politburo

Lithuania. See also Baltic republics

Liu Heung Shing

Loory, Stuart. See also News media

Lukashenko, Alexander

Lukyanov, Anatoly

Luzhkov, Yury

Major, John

Matlock, Jack

Mayakovsky, Vladimir

Media. See News media

Medunov, Sergey

Medvedev, Dmitry

Mikhailovich, Tsar Alexey


Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact

Money shortages. See also Shortages

Murashev, Arkady



Nazarbayev, Nursultan

Nechayev, Andrey

Nechayev, Dmitry

Nenashev, Mikhail

New union treaty

and Gorbachev

and KGB surveillance

and Novo-Ogarevo meeting

and signing ceremony

and tax issue

See also Belovezh agreement

News media

and August coup

censorship of

and flags, switching of

and Gorbacheva

and nuclear suitcase, handover of

and Yeltsin, as president

See also ABC; CNN; Hurst; Johnson; Kaplan; Koppel; Loory; Newspapers; Shipman; Television; Turner


ban on foreign

censorship of

and Gorbachev, attempts to discredit

and Gorbachev, farewell reception for

and Gorbachev, in retirement, interview with

and Gorbachev, sympathy and appreciation for

See also News media

Nixon, Richard

Nobel Peace Prize

Novo-Ogarevo meeting. See also New union treaty

Nuclear alert

Nuclear button

Nuclear suitcase

and August coup

and transfer of power

and Yeltsin

Nuclear weapons

and transfer of power

Oil industry

Organized crime

Palazchenko, Pavel

and Gorbachev, consiracy against

and nuclear suitcase

Party privilege. See also Corruption

Pateychuk, Evgeniya

Pavlov, Valentin

and August coup

Pavlovna, Lyudmila

Perestroika. See also Economic Reform

Perez de Cuellar y de la Guerra, Javier

Pestov, Valery

Petrushenko, Nikolay

Plekhanov, Yury


and Yeltsin, resignation from

Polozkov, Ivan

Poltoranin, Mikhail

and “secret speech,”

Polyakov, Vladimir

Popov, Gavriil

Powell, Colin

Power, transfer of. See Transfer of power

Pozner, Vladimir

Вы читаете Moscow, December 25, 1991
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