Price liberalization.
Prokofyev, Yury
Pugo, Boris
Pushkin, Alexander
Putin, Vladimir
and August coup
Quayle, Dan
Rasputin, Valentin
Reagan, Nancy
Reagan, Ronald
Red Square
Redkoborody Vladimir
Reed, John
Rice, Condoleezza
Roh Tae-woo
and name change
and Ukraine
and Union Treaty of
and United States
Russian Federation
Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic
Russian White House
storming of
Rutskoy Alexander
and economic reform
Ryabov, Yakov
Ryzhkov, Nikolay
Safire, William
Sakharov, Andrey
Samarin, Vladimir
Scowcroft, Brent
Secret information department
“Secret speech” of Yeltsin
Shakhnazarov, Georgy
Shakhrai, Sergey
Shamir, Yitzhak
Shaposhnikov, Yevgeny
and transfer of power
Shatalin, Stanislav
Shchelokov, Nikolay
Shenin, Oleg
Shevardnadze, Eduard
and August coup
on death list
ejection of
eviction of, from foreign ministry
and Gorbachev, attempts to discredit
resignation of
and transfer of power
and Yeltsin, resignation of, from Politburo
Shidlovsky Eduard
Shipman, Claire.
Shock therapy.
Shushkevich, Stanislau
and Belovezh Agreement
Silayev, Ivan
Sobchak, Anatoly
Solzhenitsyn, Alexander
Somov, Yury
Soviet ambassadors
Soviet embassies
Soviet republics
and central authority, rejection of
and commonwealth (
and confederative union state
democratic elections in
and economic union
fate of
and military intervention
and nuclear strike
and sovereignty, declaration of
and union state vs. union of states
and Union Treaty of
and union treaty (
Soviet Union
birth of
collapse of
collapse of, moment of
dissolution of
as totalitarian society
Stalin, Josef
at Kremlin
legacy of
Stalin Archives (aka Archives of the General Secretary)
State property, transfer of
State subsidies.
Strategic Rocket Forces
Strauss, Robert
Sukhanov, Lev