as first secretary of Sverdlovsk
and glasnost
and Gorbachev
and Gorbachev, alliance between
and Gorbachev, and economic reform
and Gorbachev, conflict between
and Gorbachev, difference between
and Gorbachev, expulsion from presidential office of
and Gorbachev, first meeting between
and Gorbachev, harassment of
and Gorbachev, hiring by
and Gorbachev, at Middle East conference
and Gorbachev, power loss of
and Gorbachev, and resignation from Politburo
and Gorbachev, resignation speech of
and Gorbachev, and Soviet republics
and Gorbachev, and suicide attempt
and Gorbachev, television interviews between
and Gorbachev, and town hall meeting
and Gorbachev, and transfer of power
and Gorbacheva, death of
health of
and Honecker
impeachment of, call for
international goodwill of
and KGB, disbanding of
lecture tour of
marriage of
and nationalism
and new union treaty
New Year’s message of
and news media interviews
and newspapers
and nuclear button
and nuclear suitcase
and nuclear weapons
and parliament, dissolution of
and party privilege
and perestroika
and personal security
and personnel and state property, transfer of
physical appearance of
and Politburo, resignation from
and popular base, growth of
as president (first term)
as president (second term)
and presidential campaign
and presidential perks
and presidential powers referendum
presidential reelection campaign of
resentment toward
residences of
resignation of
and river incident
at Russian White House
and Sakharov, death of
and “secret speech,”
and shock therapy(see also Economic reform)
and sovereignty, declaration of
and Soviet republics
and state assets, appropriation of
and storming of bureaucracy
suicide attempt by
takeover by
and television, control of
and three-state union
and transfer of power
and transfer of power, aftermath of
and Twenty-seventh Party Congress
and Ukraine
and Belovezh agreement
and United States
and United States, visit to
and Western leaders
and White House, storming of
at White House in Washington
Yeltsina, Naina
and August coup
marriage of
and Yeltsin, suicide attempt of
Zaikov, Lev
Zaslavsky, Ilya
Zhirinovsky, Vladimir
Zucconi, Vittorio